Activities and events

No upcoming meetings found for Unit 3.03.00.

Calendar of Meetings

Upcoming IUFRO meetings

International Scientific Conference on Modern Technologies and Engineering in Sustainable Forest Utilization; Krakow, Poland; 4-6 June 2023. Units involved: 3.00.00, 3.03.00. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - Registration    

Past IUFRO meetings

  • International Scientific Conference on Modern Technologies and Engineering in Sustainable Forest Utilization; Krakow, Poland; 4-6 June 2023. Units involved: 3.00.00, 3.03.00. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - Registration - Report 
  • Joint Regional Meeting of IUFRO RG3.03.00 and RG3.06.00 in Asia: Productivity and Safety of Final Cutting on Mountainous Plantation Forest; Matsuyama and Kochi, Japan; 24-28 July 2017. Units involved: 3.03.00, 3.06.00. Conference homepage - 2nd announcement - Report  
  • 1st International Conference on Sustainable Forest Development in View of Climate Change; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 8-11 August 2016. Units involved: 3.07.00, 3.03.00. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - Report       
  • International scientific conference: The role of forest utilization and ergonomics in modern forestry; Krakow, Poland; 12-13 June 2014. Conference announcement - Report
  • 2013 International Symposium on Tropical Forest Ecosystem Sciences; Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia;  11-13 September 2013. Units involved: 3.03.00, 3.07.00. Conference homepage - Report
  • FORTECHENVI 2013 (Forest and Forest Products Technology and the Environment); Brno, Czech Republic; 26-30 May 2013. Units involved: 3.03.00, 3.05.00. Conference homepage
  • International IUFRO 3.03.00 Ergonomic Workshop and Excursion: Ergonomic Challenges in Future Forest and Forestry; Nagoya, Japan; 27 September - 4 October 2012. Units involved: 3.00.00, 3.03.00. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - 2nd announcement - Report
  • International Scientific Conference "Technology  and Ergonomics in the Service of Modern Forestry"; Krakow, Poland; 26-29 June 2011. Conference homepage - 2nd announcement - Report - Conclusions