Activities and events
Unit 9.04.03
No upcoming meetings found for Unit 9.04.03.
Upcoming IUFRO meetings
- Third Global Forum for Ecological Economics in Forestry(GFEEF 2017): "Harmonious Future for Human Wellbeing"; Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China; 19-21 May 2017. Conference homepage
Reports from Events
- Linking Ecosystem Services to Livelihood of Rural Communities; Seoul, Korea; 12-16 October 2015. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - Abstract and paper guideline - Abstract submission form - 2nd announcement
- Wildfire Economics Symposium; Costa Rica; 2016. Contact: Armando González-Cabán at agonzalezcaban(at)
- Second Global Forum of Ecological Economics in Forestry (GFEEF) "Building a Harmony between Ecology and Economy"; Nanjing, China; 16-17 July 2014. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - Report
- First Global Forum on Ecological Economics in Forestry, "Building a Harmonious Future for Human Well-being", Nanjing, China, 19-21 August 2009 - First Announcement - Registration Form - Report
- International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 4-8 June 2006 (
Session: Forest Ecosystem Services: Social and Economic Perspectives, organized by IUFRO Unit 9.04.03 (former 6.11.05 "Ecological Economics in Forestry"). Report
Send comments to Zhiqin Hua (Deputy)