Activities and events
Unit 9.05.06
No upcoming meetings found for Unit 9.05.06.
Joint activities
- Cooperation and joint activities with Research Group 3.08 Small-Scale Forestry
- Cooperation and joint activities with Research Group 9.03 Forest History and Traditional Knowledge
- Participation in IUFRO activities (e.g. Task Force on International Forest Governance, IUFRO congresses).
Activities planned for 2015-2019
- Participation in the Scientific Committee of IUFRO Research Group 3.08 Small-scale Forestry conference on "Small-scale and Community Forestry and the Changing Nature of Forest Landscapes" hosted by the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) (27 September to 1 October 2015).
- Article on community forestry in the Anthropocene to be published in the special issue of Forest Policy and Economics on "Forest Governance in the Anthropocene: A challenge for theory and practice", edited by David Humphreys, Shonil Bagwat and Nikoleta Jones.
- Joint meeting (late 2016) RG 3.08 Small-Scale Forestry, WP 9.05.06 Community Forestry and RG 9.03 Forest History and Traditional Knowledge.
- Publication of proceedings or a book or a special issue of the joint meeting (late 2017-2018).
Past IUFRO meetings
- Technical sessions at the XXV IUFRO World Congress; Curitiba, Brazil; 29 September - 5 October 2019
- Session A6j: Strengthening Community and Smallholder Forestry For SDGs And Other Forest-Related Goals
- Session B6a: Achieving REDD+: From local actions to national commitments chaired by Ellyn Damayanti, led by RG 6.10.00
- Technical sessions at the 125th IUFRO Anniversary Congress; Freiburg, Germany; 18-22 Sepbtember 2017
- Community forestry/ Co-management as a possible solution for forest governance and livelihood assurance for forest people in light of UN-REDD Program;
- Session B6a: Achieving REDD+: From local actions to national commitments.
- IUFRO International Conference: Between Tradition and Increasing Challenges: Future Development of Small-scale and Community Forestry in Times of Global Change; Foz do Iguacu, Brazil; 26-29 September 2016. IUFRO Units involved: 3.08.00, 9.03.00, 9.05.06. Conference homepage - 1st Announcement and Call for Papers - 2nd Announcement
- New Challenges for Community Forestry: Sharing Scientific Knowledge in a South – North Perspective; Remscheid, Germany; 23-25 September 2013. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - 2nd announcement - Programme - Registration
- Guiding Forest Management on Biodiversity Conservation & Climate Adaptation; Bhubaneswar, India; 10-11 February 2011. Report
- Silviculture in Community Forestry; Bhubaneswar, India; 22-23 December 2010. Meeting report