Activities and events

TF Forest and Water Interactions

Meetings of interest

4th International Conference on Forests and Water in a Changing Environment; Kelowna, BC, Canada; 6-9 July 2015. Units involved: 8.01.07, TF on Forests, Soil and Water Interactions. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - Call for abstracts - Template for abstracts

Activities and expected outputs

The Task Force seeks to produce the following tangible outputs

  1. Web portal and repository for Forest and Water resources
  2. Forest and Water Conference Proceedings
  3. State of Knowledge Reports on priority topics and knowledge gaps
  4. Policy brief series on Forests and Water
  5. Forest and Water Session contributions for 24th World Congress
  6. Task Force Report Recommendations for 24th World Congress

The audiences for these outputs include CPF members, Forest Day 5 stakeholders, Preparatory meetings for Rio +20, National Policy-makers, NGOs and forest scientists.


Schedule of activities

Following Executive Board approval the following activities and events are timed as:

August 2011 to August 2014
Develop and maintain web portal and repository for Forest and Water resources

March 21-23,  2012    
- World Water Day (22nd March), Special IUFRO-CAF-ICRAF meeting Kunming, China

June 20-22, 2012    
- Forest and Water Task Force Meeting, Pre-meeting for IUFRO Regional Congress, Nairobi
- Commissioning of reports

August, 2014        
- Task Force Reporting at 24th  IUFRO World Congress, Salt Lake City
- State of Knowledge Reports on priority topics
- Policy brief series on Forests and Water
- Forest and Water Session contributions for 24th World Congress

Send comments to Tony Simons (Task Force Coordinator)