Task Force members
TF Forest Biomass Network
IUFRO officeholders (Coordinators of Research Groups and Working Parties)
Name | Affiliation / Position in IUFRO | Biographical Sketch |
Dr. Viktor J. Bruckman | Austrian Academy of Sciences, Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies, Vienna Austria, viktor.bruckman(at)oeaw.ac.at Task Force Coordinator T30 – Task Force "Sustainable Forest Biomass Network" Deputy Coordinator WP 7.01.03 – Impacts of air pollution and climate change on forest ecosystems - Atmospheric deposition, soils and nutrient cycles | Viktor Bruckman is researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. His research priority is on carbon in forest ecosystems, as well as renewable energy in general and climate change mitigation/adaptation using biochar. He is board member of the division Energy Resources and the Environment of the European Geosciences Union and member of the working group on biochar of the national advisory board for soil protection and fertility. |
Dr. Maliwan Haruthaithanasan | Kasetsart University, Kasetsart Agricultural and Agro-industrial Product Improvement Institute, aapmwt(at)ku.ac.th Task Force Deputy Coordinator T30 – Task Force "Sustainable Forest Biomass Network" Deputy Coordinator WP 7.01.03 – Impacts of air pollution and climate change on forest ecosystems - Atmospheric deposition, soils and nutrient cycles | Dr. Maliwan Haruthaithanasan is a deputy director of Kasetsart Agricultural and Agro-industrial Product Improvement Institute (KAPI), an institute of Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. Her specialization is fast growing tree species for energy plantation. She is active in international forestry research and development. She is currently a deputy coordinator of IUFRO working party, Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems. |
| Punjab Agricultural University, Department of Forestry & Natural Resources, Punjab, India, chauhansk(at)dr.com Coordinator RG 1.03.00 – Short-rotation forestry | Sanjeev Chauhan is Professor for Forestry at the Punjab Agricultural University in Ludhiana, India. His main emphasis for research is on-farm short rotation forestry for biomass including tree-crop interaction and quantification of carbon sequestration potential. |
Prof. Dr. Jean-Paul Laclau | CIRAD-UMR Eco&Sols, Sao Paulo, Brazil, jean-paul.laclau(at)cirad.fr Coordinator WP 1.02.01 – Ecology and silviculture of plantation forests in the tropics | Jean-Paul Laclau is senior researcher in Biogeochemistry in CIRAD (France). Research interests include carbon, water and nutrient cycling in tropical planted forests, as well as the longterm effects of fertilization and harvest residue management on tree growth, soil properties and water resources. |
| Michigan Technological University, School of Forest Resources & Environmental Science, MI, USA, djflaspo(at)mtu.edu Coordinator WP 8.02.07 – Bioenergy productions systems and forest biodiversity | David Flaspohler is an avian conservation biologist who studies how managed forests and the habitats that surround them influence songbird demography. His research projects includes sites in Michigan, Wisconsin, Hawaii, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and Costa Rica. Professor Flaspohler teaches and supervises a research lab in the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science at Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan, USA. |
Prof. Dr. Wu Shuirong | Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, China, shuirongwu(at)126.com Deputy Coordinator WP 9.04.02 – Valuation of ecosystem services and carbon markets | Wu Shuirong is Professor of forest resources and environmental economics at the Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, and deputy coordinator of the IUFRO WG 9.04.02 – Valuation of ecosystem services and carbon markets. Her main research interests include valuation of and payment/markets on forest ecosystem services, forest policy on climate change with focus on REDD+, economics of multipurpose forest management, forest governance and international forest issues related to UNFF. |
IUFRO members and external experts
Name | Affiliation | Biographical Sketch |
Dr. Chris Goulding | Editor, New Zealand Journal of Forestry, chris.goulding(at)xtra.co.nz | Dr. Chris Goulding was a Principal Scientist for the New Zealand Forest Research Institute (Scion), specialising in applied forest management and mensuration systems for intensively managed forests and including large-scale (national) forest carbon monitoring. He is a lead auditor of forest management and chain of custody certification for Forest Stewardship Council and is the Editor of the New Zealand Journal of Forestry. |
Mr. Florian Kraxner | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Ecosystems Services and Management Program (ESM), Laxenburg, Austria, kraxner(at)iiasa.ac.at | Florian Kraxner is Deputy Director of the Ecosystems Services and Management (ESM) Program at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). Florian Kraxner is especially interested in the socio-economics of land use and resources optimization. He leads ESM’s Research Group on Policy-Science Interface (PSI) where he and his team are currently focusing on the socioeconomics and policies of the LULUCF sector, forest-based bioenergy, renewable energy systems optimization, ecosystems services integration, sustainability safeguards and the linking of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). |
Dr. Brian Titus | Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, BC, Canada, Brian.Titus(at)NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca | Brian Titus has been a research scientist with the Canadian Forest Service of Natural Resources Canada since 1985. He works on the environmental sustainability of removing forest harvesting residues and other biomass for bioenergy production, particularly related to nutrient cycling processes, and to soil and site productivity. He is particularly interested in indicators of sustainability, and how these can be applied in management guidelines and governance systems for ensuring sustainable bioenergy feedstock production, and in environmentally sustainable forest biomass inventories. |
Prof. Dr. Inge Stupak | University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. Member of ICP Forests, ism(at)ign.ku.dk | Dr. Inge Stupak, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, has her major research contributions and research management responsibilities focused on the environmental impacts of woody biomass production, including forest and short rotation crops, and sustainability governance of bioenergy. She is the Danish national team leader in IEA Bioenergy Task 43 on ‘Biomass feedstocks for Energy Markets’, and has participated in teams providing assistance to the EU and the Danish Energy Agency. |
Dr. Wan Asma Bt Ibrahim | Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Board member, World Bioenergy Association, asma(at)frim.gov.my | Conducts R&D on biomass and bioenergy at the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM). Special focus on pretreatments of local biomass and its characterization for production of biofuels. Project leader on biodiesel conversion from waste water effluents and bioethanol production from palm biomass. Currently the Chairman of Energy Institute Malaysia and a Board Member of World Bioenergy association. |
Prof. Dr. Raymond O. Miller | Michigan State University, Forest Biomass Innovation Center, Escanaba, MI, USA, rmiller(at)msu.edu | Raymond Miller is Adjunct Associate Professor in Michigan State University’s Department of Forestry and Director of MSU’s Forest Biomass Innovation Center. He coordinates teams of investigators from multiple institutions working on forest-based bioeconomy development in Michigan and the Lake States region of the USA. Miller coordinates the university’s forestry field research activities in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and presides over a state-wide network of wood energy crop research trials. |
Prof. Dr. Toru Terada | The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, terada(at)k.u-tokyo.ac.jp | Toru Terada is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Natural Environmental Studies, the University of Tokyo, Japan. He received his PhD (in Environmental Studies) from the University of Tokyo in March 2011. He works in the field of landscape and urban planning. His research focus is on the wise use of peri-urban satoyama forest through re-introduction of community based woodenergy utilization. |
Fikirte D. Tulu | Bahir Dar University, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, fikirte.demissie(at)eiabc.edu.et or fikirkiya(at)gmail.com; | Mrs. Fikirte Demissie Tulu is lecturer and researcher in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia. Currently, she is a PhD candidate for Environmental planning programme in Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development (EiABC), Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Her ongoing PhD study aims at developing sustainable strategies in increasing natural forest cover via sustainable utilization and conservation of natural resources. She specifically focuses on area closure management and ecological connectivity to increase natural forest cover and on sustainable forest biomass production from area closure and other forest ecosystems. |
Dr. Joseph Githiomi | Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Deputy Director Forest Products Development (KEFRI), Jgithiomi(at)kefri.org or josephgithiomi(at)ymail.com | Joseph Githiomi is a Chief Research Officer at the Kenya Forestry Research Institute. He is involved in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of research in the Forest Products Development department. He has special interests in production and utilization of sustainable biomass energy. |
Dr. Nicolas Mansuy | Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, nicolas.mansuy(at)canada.ca | Nicolas Mansuy is a research scientist with Natural Resources Canada and adjunct professor with the forestry department at Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (Québec, Canada). Nicolas Mansuy oversee projects in collaboration with multi-stakeholders including Forest and Energy companies, Government and Indigenous peoples to integrate environmental sustainability in the wood based bioeconomy and bioenergy production. He is particularly interested in supply chain optimization of harvesting and processing residues as well damaged wood from natural disturbances in boreal forest. |
Send comments to Viktor Bruckman (Deputy)