Task Force members

Task Force members are indicated for each module. The first name is the module leader. New members may be added during the TF life. The TF presents a good geographical (all continents are represented) and gender balance (8 out of 14 coordinators are female scientists). Download list of Task Force members...

Below, the Leaders of: Effects modules - Adaptation modules - Mitigation modules are listed:

Effects modules

E1. Supersites for Superior Forest Science
Leader: Rainer Matyssek (WP 7.01.02 C, TUM Freising, Germany, matyssek@wzw.tum.de)

E2. Effect of nitrogen deposition on forest structure and diversity
Leader: Cristina Branquinho (WP7.01.07 DC, Univ Lisboa, Portugal, cmbranquinho(at)fc.ul.pt)

E3. Lichens—the 'Health-O-Meter' of Forests
Leader: Linda Geiser (Forest Service, USA, lgeiser(at)fs.fed.us)

E4. Ozone impacts on forest ecosystem services
Leader: Elena Paoletti (RG 7.01 C, CNR Italy, elena.paoletti(at)cnr.it)

E5. A global comparison of climate influences on bark beetle outbreak dynamics
Leader: Barbara Bentz (RG 7.03 DC, Forest Service, USA, bbentz(at)fs.fed.us)

E6. Global patterns in background losses of woody plant foliage to insects
Leader: Mikhail Kozlov (WP7.01.07 DC, Univ Turku, Finland, mikoz(at)utu.fi)

E7. Forests and atmospheric chemistry: coupling and interactions with climate
Leader: Alessandra De Marco (WP 7.01.05 DC, ENEA, Italy, alessandra.demarco(at)enea.it)

E8. Model projections of forest health under climate change
Leader: Christopher Reyer (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany, reyer(at)pik-potsdam.de)

Adaptation modules

A1. Forest adapt-omics
Leader: Om Rajora (WP 7.01.04 C, WP 2.04.01 C, Univ New Brunswick, Canada, Om.Rajora(at)unb.ca)

A2. Forest health and resiliency through integrated management practices
Leader: Nancy Grulke (WP 7.01.07 C, Forest Service, USA, ngrulke(at)fs.fed.us)

A3. Highly sustainable harvesting (HSH) for protecting forests and forestry against climate change
Leader: Enrico Marchi (Univ Firenze, Italy, enrico.marchi(at)unifi.it)

Mitigation modules

M1. Carbon mitigation potential of forests
Leader Bill Slee, (James Hutton, UK bill.slee(at)hutton.ac.uk)

M2. Effective decision making to limit climate change effects on forests
Leader: Rod Keenan (WP 4.01.08, University of Melbourne, Australia, rkeenan(at)unimelb.edu.au)

Send comments to Elena Paoletti (Task Force Coordinator)