IUFRO News, Volume 52, Issue 3, 2023
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In this issue
- Towards A Better Understanding of Forest-Health Relations
- Celebrating World Wood Day on 21 March
- Linking Forests, Energy and Livelihoods Can Help to Faster Achieve SDGs
- New Study on International Forest Governance Initiated
- Tree-based Diversified Land-use Systems: Augmenting Livelihood Security and Industrial Growth
- Close-to-nature Silviculture: Experiments and Modelling for Forestry Practice
- Managing Mixtures vs. Monocultures: What Do We Know?
- Forestry Science: Development and Progress Based on the Past
- Webinar: Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chat: Amazonia
- Webinar: State-of-the-art NIR Spectroscopy for Wood Science and Technology
- News from IUFRO-SPDC
- Obituaries
- Publications
- Position Announcements
- IUFRO Meetings and More
- Other Meetings
Towards A Better Understanding of Forest-Health Relations
The International Day of Forests (IDF) on 21 March https://www.fao.org/international-day-of-forests/en/ is celebrated to raise awareness of the importance of all types of forests. Each year the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF https://www.fao.org/collaborative-partnership-on-forests/en) chooses a theme for the day. In 2023 the theme was 'Forests and Health'.
Global Assessment on Forests and Human Health Launched on 21 March
IUFRO World Series Vol. 41
In line with the theme of IDF 2023, IUFRO celebrated the International Day of Forests by launching the most comprehensive global assessment to date of the links between forests and human health.
Watch the launch webinar: https://youtu.be/vzGnD_dGkxA
Read the IISD-ENB Coverage:
The global scientific evidence of the multiple types of benefits that forests, trees and green spaces have on human health has been assessed by an international and interdisciplinary team of scientists.
The outcome is a major peer-reviewed report titled "Forests and Trees for Human Health: Pathways, Impacts, Challenges and Response Options" prepared by the Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme of IUFRO, and edited by Cecil Konijnendijk, Dikshya Devkota, Stephanie Mansourian and Christoph Wildburger.
The following key messages are highlighted:
- Forests, trees and green spaces impact human health across all life stages.
- Positive health outcomes of forests, trees and green spaces significantly outweigh negative ones.
- The health outcomes of forests are the result of several pathways that are dependent on context and individual lifestyles.
- Forest-health relations need to be considered when dealing with global crises.
- Integrative and cross-sectoral approaches need to be adopted to improve the forest-health link.
The report emphasizes the important contribution of forests and trees to the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its goals, particularly Goal 3 (SDG 3), which aims to "ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages."
Download the Report and Policy Brief:
Check out fact sheets, media, etc.: https://www.iufro.org/science/gfep/gfep-initiative/panel-on-forests-and-human-health/outreach-and-media/
At the IDF celebration HEALTHY FORESTS | HEALTHY PEOPLE at UN Headquarters in New York on 21 March, the report was also highlighted. Watch this video message by IUFRO Executive Director Alexander Buck (at 01:38:09): https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1m/k1md0cy4c3
Global Reviews on Forest Management and Provision of Hydrological Functions
Presented on 22 March, World Water Day
World Water Day 2023 http://www.worldwoodday.org/2023/ emphasized the need to accelerate change to solve the water and sanitation crisis. A new publication launched on WWD 2023 highlights the critical role that forests play in sustaining water resources and the importance of managing forests also with a view to water.
This Special Issue of Forest Ecology & Management edited by Xiaohua (Adam) Wei, Richard Harper and Shirong Liu showcases global reviews on the effects of forestry on hydrological functions. The nine papers in this Special issue were developed by members of the IUFRO Task Force Forests and Water Interactions in a Changing Environment: https://www.iufro.org/science/task-forces/forests-water-interaction-changing-environment/
Forests not only play an important role in shaping the terrestrial environment but are also critical for sustaining water resources and aquatic ecosystem functions. However, forests and their connected aquatic ecosystems are undergoing significant change mainly due to increased large-scale natural forest disturbances (e.g., forest fires, insect infestation), timber harvesting and climate change impacts such as drought and increased temperature.
The purpose of this special issue is thus to provide various syntheses through a systematic array of topics related to forest management practices and their relations to hydrological processes and functions at the global scale. The conclusions from these global review articles are expected to greatly improve practical planning processes and on-ground forest practices that enhance protection and provision of water and water-related services.
To promote this special issue world-wide, the Journal kindly provides a 6-month free access for the papers without open access:
Celebrating World Wood Day on 21 March
World Wood Day http://www.worldwoodday.org/about.php was first introduced in 2010 beginning in-person in 2013 in Dar Eslam, Tanzania. The in-person meetings were stopped after Austria in 2019 because of Covid. These meetings have been virtual each year since and are planned to begin again in-person in Tokyo, Japan in 2025.
The theme of 2023 was Wood in Cultural Heritage. Listen to the opening speech of the 2023 celebrations by Howard Rosen http://www.worldwoodday.org/2023/news/252, Chairman of the International Wood Culture Society (IWCS), and Coordinator of IUFRO Research Group 5.15.00 Forest products culture:
One of the events to mark the day was the 2023 Online World Wood Day Symposium and The Fifth IUFRO Forest Products Culture Colloquium on 21 and 22 March 2023:
Linking Forests, Energy and Livelihoods Can Help to Faster Achieve SDGs
More integrated approaches between forests, energy and livelihoods can accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, according to a joint Issue Brief published on 4 April 2023 by the UN Forum on Forests Secretariat (UNFFS), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Forests, Energy and Livelihoods was prepared with the aim to inform discussions at a hybrid global event at UNHQ in New York, convened on 4 April by the Bureau of the 18th session of the UNFF and ahead of the UN General Assembly Summit on Sustainable Development Goals in September.
About the event: https://www.un.org/esa/forests/events/unff18-bureau-event-forests-energy-livelihoods/index.html
"Particularly given the current global economic situation, the prospect of a global recession and increased energy and commodity prices, it is vital to recognize the role of forests and sustainable management of forests in achieving sustainable development," the four organizations say in the brief.
News story: https://www.fao.org/forestry/news/100606/en/
"Forests provide solutions for addressing many developmental challenges. More than 1.6 billion people worldwide strongly depend on forests for food, medicine, fuel and for their livelihoods."
It is estimated that about half of the wood extracted from forests is burnt as fuel for energy uses, with the highest share of around 90 percent in Africa. Wood fuels are traditionally used for cooking and heating by more than 2 billion people worldwide.
Nelson Grima, IUFRO, is one of the lead authors of the Issue Brief and was an invited speaker at the event. He says, "It is also imperative to invest in the advancement of forest-related research in all its different fields, both at the theoretical and implementation level, considering the needs and knowledge of stakeholder groups."
Issue Brief: https://www.un.org/esa/forests/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/ISSUE-BRIEF-Forests-Energy-Livelihoods-March2023-FINAL.pdf
New Study on International Forest Governance Initiated
Nelson Grima, GFEP Project Manager
In 2010, IUFRO's GFEP https://www.iufro.org/science/gfep/ published a report on the complexities and challenges of international forest governance https://www.iufro.org/science/gfep/gfep-initiative/panel-on-forest-regime/. Since then, these complexities and challenges have increased in multiple ways. New programs and arrangements have emerged at all scales, and the interactions among them, including synergies and trade-offs, are often unclear. At the same time, forest-related global discussions and negotiations continue, impacting the future of not only forests, but also the livelihoods and well-being of people.
In this context, IUFRO has initiated a global scientific follow-up study in the frame of its GFEP Programme. The goal is to produce a comprehensive peer-reviewed scientific assessment report and an associated policy brief on international forest governance by the first half of 2024.
The assessment aims to inform ongoing policy discussions on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It will provide input to the future sessions of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), as well as other international processes relevant to forest policies and related issues.
This new assessment will examine the main aspects of the current landscape of international forest governance, analyzing and synthesizing scientific information published since the release of the global assessment report of 2010. It will provide an update on governance changes since 2010, including actors and instruments; an overview of the forest-related finance landscape; an identification and analysis of relevant current discourses; and an analysis of the different governance designs for the future, including deficits and alternatives.
The assessment will be led by a core team of eight experts in different fields of forest governance from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, North and South America, supported by a larger number of contributing authors.
Tree-based Diversified Land-use Systems: Augmenting Livelihood Security and Industrial Growth
Report by Swoyambhu Amatya, Coordinator of IUFRO Research Group 1.04.00 Agroforestry, S. K. Chauhan, Deputy Coordinator of RG 1.04.00, and Parvinder Kaushal, former Coordinator of IUFRO Working Party on Plantations Establishment, https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-1/10000/10400/
The conference on tree-based land use systems held on 15-17 February 2023 was kindly hosted by Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari Gujarat, India, and supported by the Indian Ecological Society, Ludhiana Punjab.
The conference focused on the field of forestry and tree-based land use systems including agroforestry to attract scientists from multiple disciplines and a wide range of stakeholders from throughout the country and overseas. Topics ranged from production and raising to plantation, tendering, tending, harvesting, processing and marketing issues of trees, tree products and other products derived from tree-based land use systems.
Presentations included two keynote addresses and 12 lead lectures, including three from USA in online mode. A total of 198 oral and poster presentations were made. Participants came from more than 18 Indian states representing different government and private institutions, NGOs, wood and forest-based industries. There were also two online participants from Japan and two in person participants from Nepal.
The conference had six broad themes namely:
- Farmers, Foresters, and Fabricators
- Agroforestry - A Landscape with Trees for Lives and Livelihood
- Tree Improvement and Ecology
- Utilization and Value Addition of Forest Genetic Resources
- Forests, Climate Change and Natural Resource Conservation
- Silviculture, Forest Management, Economics and Policy
Key points of deliberations also centered on scientific utilization and conservation of forest genetic resources through natural resource management.
Participants identified a need for supply chain/linkages between different stakeholders leading to food, nutrition, environmental and livelihood security. Enhanced productivity to address rising demands from wood-based industries were discussed. Tree improvement programs should focus on the selection of new clones or varieties of fast-growing species. Presentations also covered the utilization of NTFPs and the development of value-added products.
There is a need to address policy issues related to increased ecosystem services through forest conservation and trees outside forest enhancement vis-à-vis supply chain and marketing issues of tree-based land use system production.
Proceedings: http://indianecologicalsociety.com/society/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Proceedings-of-NAU-IES-IUFRO-conference-2023.pdf
Or: https://doi.org/10.55362/2023/NAU-IES-IUFRO/PROC
Close-to-nature Silviculture: Experiments and Modelling for Forestry Practice
Report by Jens Peter Skovsgaard, Coordinator of IUFRO Division 1 Silviculture, and Don Hodges, Coordinator of IUFRO Division 4 Forest Assessment, Modelling and Management
IUFRO Divisions 1 and 4 joined forces and hosted an IUFRO All-Division 1 & 4 Online Conference entitled "Close-to nature silviculture: experiments and modelling for forestry practice" on 7 and 8 February 2023, which was attended by 117 participants. Close-to-nature silviculture is considered an alternative approach to traditional or conventional silviculture. It aims to emulate nature and to integrate natural processes into management.
The conference aimed to showcase and discuss the concept, science, and practice of close-to-nature silviculture, focusing on experiments and modelling for forestry practice. Challenges, advances, and limitations in close-to-nature silviculture approaches were presented and actively discussed among presenters and conference participants from Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America.
Efforts are currently underway in many regions of the world to move away from single-species planation management to uneven-aged mixed species stands as such stands are often considered closer to the natural forest type. Some of the challenges to implement close-to-nature silviculture are the lack of data to adequately model the impact of silviculture on growth, stem quality, and tree health in uneven-aged, mixed species stands. Similarly, selecting appropriate sampling methods in uneven-aged stands with variable density structures is a challenge.
Regeneration in close-to-nature silviculture systems and modelling regeneration and early growth were identified as potential topics of interest for an upcoming online conference to be hosted jointly by Divisions 1 and 4.
Links to the recordings:
7th February https://educast.fccn.pt/vod/clips/xjj5gy20/html5.html?locale=pt
8th February https://educast.fccn.pt/vod/clips/19d1ww48y3/html5.html?locale=pt
Link to full report https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-1/10000/activities/
Managing Mixtures vs. Monocultures: What Do We Know?
Planted forests represent an essential nature-based solution to meet the growing demand for sustainable wood while contributing to climate change mitigation and ecosystem restoration. More diverse planted forests can meet broader societal goals by enhancing resilience and ecosystem services compared to monoculture plantations. However, there is often a gap in the information, experience, and genetic material necessary to implement mixed-species planted forests at scale.
To address this knowledge gap, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the TreeDivNet network, and the International Commission on Poplars and Other Fast-Growing Trees Sustaining People and the Environment (IPC) organized a workshop aimed at reviewing the state of the art in the management of mixed and pure planted forests.
The workshop on 29 and 30 September 2022 contributed to the Cambio https://www.cambio-treediversity.com/ and MixForChange projects https://treedivnet.ugent.be/ProjectMixForChange.html, and was hosted by the IUFRO Task Force Resilient Planted Forests https://www.iufro.org/science/task-forces/resilient-planted-forests/ serving society and bioeconomy. It was titled "Management of mixed and pure planted forests: Stock-taking of science and practice" and gathered 35 participants from across the globe at FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy and included a panel discussion that brought together country representatives from Argentina, Italy, Madagascar, Uganda, and the United States of America.
According to FAO's Global Forest Resources Assessment https://www.fao.org/3/ca9825en/ca9825en.pdf, the area of planted forests has increased by 72% since 1990, from 170 million hectares to 293 million hectares in 2020. As the role of sustainable wood in meeting environmental and socioeconomic objectives is increasingly being recognized, demand for sustainable wood is likely to expand and be met through planted forests. The urgent need to restore degraded land globally also demands consideration of the role of planted forests.
Globally distributed mixed-species experiments associated to TreeDivNet provide scientific evidence for increased resilience and ecosystem service provision of mixed-species planted forests compared to monospecific ones. Increasing tree species richness is associated with increasing multifunctionality, biodiversity and productivity. Mixtures are also important to spread risks, which is especially relevant as climate change is likely to significantly increase abiotic and biotic threats to planted forests.
The rising demand for renewable materials and for nature-based solutions to address climate change challenges presents both opportunities and risks for forestry investments. More diverse planted forests can offer attractive options for landholders, including smallholders, to invest in forestry. The potential for more mixed planted forests increases with the increasing importance of marketable ecosystem services other than timber production.
However, the wide implementation of diverse planted forests requires easy, practical guidelines to overcome operational complexity. There is a great mismatch between the availability of research results and technologies and their adoption by rural producers, especially on small and medium-sized properties. To enable the expansion of mixed plantations, they need to be perceived as technically sound, economically viable, and socially acceptable.
Participants agreed on a roadmap aimed at launching a joint publication in November 2023 at the International Congress on Planted Forests (ICPF2023 https://www.plantedforests.org/icpf-2023/), to contribute to bridging the gap between science and practice on the topic of mixed species planted forests.
Full workshop report listed under "past meetings":
Forestry Science: Development and Progress Based on the Past
Report submitted by Martina Đodan, Croatian Forest Research Institute (IUFRO Member Organization)
The 1st scientific conference for young scientists of Southeast Europe "Forestry Science: Development and Progress Based on the Past" held on 10 February 2023 in the city of Jastrebarsko, Croatia was supported by IUFRO. The conference was organized on the occasion of the 25th death anniversary of the following scientists, who left an indelible mark on the forestry scientific community: PhD Nikola Komlenović; PhD Branimir Mayer; PhD Petar Rastovski; Professor Ante Krstinić, PhD; Goran Bušić, MSc; Zlatko Perić, MSc.
The conference offered a great opportunity for young scientists to present their research, as well as for promotion of forestry and strengthening awareness of the role and importance of forests. It brought together researchers from Southeast Europe to present and discuss new scientific findings from the wider area of forestry – including ecology, genetics, silviculture, forest protection, forest management, etc.
A special focus was placed on the role of young scientists in the development and progress of forestry science. Also, the goal of the conference was to strengthen the connection with the scientific community of Southeast Europe. The program included 30 oral presentations, 4 poster presentations and 18 posters about current projects of the Croatian Forest Research Institute, a member organization of IUFRO.
Link to the full report: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/events/jastrebarsko23-report.pdf
Book of Abstracts: https://www.iufro.org/publications/proceedings/meetings-2023/#c35597
Webinar: Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chat: Amazonia
By Bianca N.I. Eskelson, Coordinator Research Group 4.01.00 Forest Mensuration and Modelling
The 28 February edition of the webinar series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats" was titled "Measuring biomass and carbon stock in forests of southwestern Amazonia: from science generation to dissemination". It attracted 37 participants from five continents.
Dr. Sabina Cerruto Ribeiro, Associate Professor at the Federal University of Acre, Brazil, talked about the importance of biomass and carbon stock quantification in southwestern Amazonia and some of the work she has been developing regarding science generation and dissemination in the region.
The webinar series, organized by IUFRO RG 4.01.00 Forest Mensuration and Modelling and kindly hosted by the University of British Columbia, is meant to highlight forest mensuration and modelling research across a variety of research areas and allow for scientific exchange across the globe.
Upcoming webinars in the series:
April 25: "Modelling mixtures and uneven-aged forests: From pattern to process to application."
May 24: "Small area estimation in forest inventories, what to do when sample sizes become small."
Find out more at: https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-4/40000/40100/
Webinar: State-of-the-art NIR Spectroscopy for Wood Science and Technology
By Louis Denaud, Coordinator of IUFRO WP 5.04.08 Sawing, milling and machining, Julie Cool, Deputy Coordinators of WP 5.04.08, Florent Eyma and Giacomo Goli, members of WP 5.04.08
The webinar, which was kindly supported by the Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology and attracted 57 participants from a large number of countries, can we rewatched at:
Three short presentations led by Team-Leader Professor Satoru Tsuchikawa were offered to the participants. The webinar started with Dr. Tsuchikawa providing an effective overview of the research conducted in his research group and how it has evolved from the study of the wood sawing process and saw dynamics to the development of new optical measurement systems for the optimization and quality control of processes involved in the transformation of wood and agricultural products. This set the stage for the two scientific presentations.
The scientific presentations were given by Dr. Te Ma and Dr. Tetsuya Iganaki. They explored and discussed the combination of various measurement techniques and data mining approaches with the goal to understand water transport in wood, identify wood species, analyze wood properties, develop a cheap moisture meter, evaluate crystallinity as a relationship to wood strength. These presentations were followed by a dynamic Q&A session involving all three presenters.
Successful Restoration Project in Guatemala
The GLFx South Coast Guatemala https://www.iufro.org/science/special/spdc/netw/glfxgt/ chapter is an initiative of the Private Institute for Research on Climate Change (ICC), the National Forests Institute (INAB) and IUFRO to communicate the activities of the South Coast Restoration Network. It aims to promote forest landscape restoration in the pacific lowlands of Guatemala and enable exchange of experiences regionally and globally.
Recently the Chapter reported on the success of an adaptation and restoration project in the village of Canoguitas.
Read this article: https://glfx.globallandscapesforum.org/news/1030300
Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mk-IQkubU9c&t=3s
Results from FLR Workshop in Ethiopia Now Online
The Ethiopian Forestry Development (EFD) and IUFRO’s Special Programme for Development of Capacities (SPDC) https://www.iufro.org/science/special/spdc/ led a forest landscape restoration workshop on 28-30 November 2022 in Adama, Ethiopia. The workshop considered the local context and existing experiences in the country and aimed to strengthen the capacities of FLR facilitators across relevant stakeholder organizations.
Now video material as well as the presentations and the final report are available at:
GLF Restoration Stewards 2023
The Restoration Stewards https://stewards.globallandscapesforum.org/about/ program provides funding, mentorship and training to deepen the impact of youth-led restoration projects. The year-long program is run by the Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL) and the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) under the banner of Generation Restoration to support and highlight the work of eight young restoration practitioners and their teams in 2023.
IUFRO as a Charter member of GLF is a strong partner in this initiative through its Special Programme for Development of Capacities (SPDC https://www.iufro.org/science/special/spdc/). This year IUFRO has again supported the initiative by helping to identify mentors from within the IUFRO network, e.g., for Gloria Amor Paredes https://stewards.globallandscapesforum.org/meet-the-restoration-stewards/#gloria from the Philippines. Her mentor is Marilyn Combalicer, Associate Professor in the Department of Forest Biological Sciences at the University of Philippines Los Baños. IUFRO nominated her given her expertise in forest and restoration ecology particularly in the Philippines.
Harold E. Burkhart (1944-2022)
A World-Renowned Scientist, Dedicated Educator, and Inspiring Life Mentor
A tribute by Dr. Sheng-I Yang, Deputy Coordinator, IUFRO Working Party 4.01.03, and one of Harold's last doctoral students; https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-4/40000/40100/40103/
Professor Harold Burkhart was an eminent and beloved figure in the world of forest science. He made significant contributions to the field through his innovative research in forest modeling and was well-known for his selfless dedication as an educator and mentor to aspiring forestry professionals in the world.
Throughout his career, Professor Burkhart was actively engaged in IUFRO. He served as Coordinator of S4.01.00, Mensuration, Growth and Yield (1986-1996); Deputy Coordinator, Division 4 – Inventory, Growth, Yield, Quantitative and Management Sciences (1996-2000); Member, Executive Board (1996-2000); Deputy Coordinator, S4.01.01, Statistical Methods, Mathematics and Computers (2001-2005) and S4.01.03 Informatics, Modelling and Statistics (2006-2010). He also organized numerous IUFRO scientific meetings and conferences around the world, spanning across the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. His achievements and services were acknowledged with the IUFRO Scientific Achievement Award in 1981 and the IUFRO World Congress Host Scientific Award in 2014.
As a world-renowned scientist in forest biometrics, Professor Burkhart's research made major advancements in developing quantitative methods for forest tree growth and yield in the world. His work has been widely recognized and published in academic journals, research bulletins, book chapters, and conference proceedings. Professor Burkhart's standing in the forestry community was bolstered by his collaborative, supportive, and encouraging relationships with his colleagues and fellow researchers.
As a dedicated educator and mentor, Professor Burkhart was beloved by his students. He deeply cared about his students, enjoyed interacting with them and helped them achieve success by offering advice and support as they established their careers. Professor Burkhart welcomed students and scholars from various parts of the world, embracing diverse perspectives and fostering a global community of learners.
The warmth and kindness that Professor Burkhart displayed throughout his life left a lasting impact on everyone who met him. Although Professor Burkhart passed away in fall 2022, his legacy continues to inspire and guide us in the forestry community. His research and philosophy embody a shining example of dedication, humility, and compassion in the scientific world.
Othmar Griess (1929-2023)
We are sad to inform the IUFRO community about the passing of DI Dr. Othmar Griess, IUFRO DSA recipient and former coordinator of several units of IUFRO Division 4.
Othmar has been highly active during all his professional life and beyond. He has focused his research efforts on innovation in forest management, electronic data processing; and, as Managing Director of the STUGES (Study Society of Austrian Forest Owners, Vienna), he was among the first forest professionals who during the early 1980s used orthophotos in forest management planning. He contributed to the modernization of the inventory technology with new timber yield tables and the appraisal system with new sorting boards and variability charts.
Othmar began his international activities at scientific conferences in 1966. He has an extensive record of long-term and dedicated service to IUFRO in various positions, starting as Leader of IUFRO SG 4.04.00 Forest Management planning and business economy (1983–1995), continuing as Coordinator of WP 4.04.07 Terminology of forest management planning (1996–2010) and since 2010 – Deputy Coordinator of former 4.04.07 that was renamed to 4.04.03 SilvaPlan: Terminology of forest management planning. His intensive work on explaining and defining technical terms has resulted in the IUFRO World Series Vol. 9-de (1998) and in an online terminology database on forest management.
In 1995 Othmar received the IUFRO Distinguished Service Award for his contribution to the organization of Division 4 research on forest management and planning, managerial economics and forest terminology. (https://www.iufro.org/uploads/media/iufro-distinguished-service-award-winners-2019.pdf) Othmar has promoted the idea of international scientific cooperation with outstanding idealism and success as a passionate worker for the great benefit to IUFRO. We will always remember with gratitude his and his wife Ingeborg's friendly and supportive attitude towards IUFRO.
By Renate Prüller, Coordinator IUFRO Working Party 4.04.03
William (Bill) Manning (1941-2023)
It is with great sadness that we inform you that Prof. William (Bill) J. Manning, Professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA, passed away on 4 March 2023. Bill was a widely known and well-respected scientist who pioneered research on the impacts of air pollution on plants.
Although he was not an IUFRO officeholder, he was a very good friend of IUFRO and actively participated in the activities of the RG 8.04.00 (formerly 7.01.00) on air pollution and climate change impacts on forest ecosystems. For instance, he gave an invited speech on this topic at the IUFRO 125th anniversary in 2017. When he retired, the RG 8.04.00 established 'The Bill Manning Award' for the best poster presentation at its biennial conferences, as a recognition of Bill's mentoring role in forestry and environmental sciences.
For over 30 years Prof. Manning was an Editor-in-Chief of the prestigious Environmental Pollution journal. Scientists specializing in air pollution and climate change impacts on plant ecosystems recognize Bill's enormous contribution to the development of this subject. We mourn Bill's loss not only as a scientist, but particularly as a gentleman colleague of a cheerful demeanor and with an exceptional sense of humor. We offer our sincerest condolences to his wife and family.
By Elena Paoletti and Andrzej Bytnerowicz, on behalf of IUFRO colleagues and friends
(Text shortened by the editor)
Responding to Environmental Issues Through Adaptive Collaborative Management: From Forest Communities to Global Actors
This open access publication co-edited by anthropologist Carol J. Pierce Colfer and forester Ravi Prabhu compiles the writings of a total of 45 authors, most of whom hail from developing countries. It is the second in a series – the other being Adaptive Collaborative Management of Forest Landscapes: Villagers, Bureaucrats and Civil Society (2022, also open access). The genesis of these books involved a query to those partners who had participated in ACM's early days (2000s). What had they learned about ACM in the two intervening decades?
This second book, which focuses on three islands in Indonesia (Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java) and five countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Zimbabwe), includes three revisits to former ACM research sites from the early 2000s to assess what has endured and what has fallen away; new methods that build on the ACM approach; a thought experiment on how to scale up more effectively; and some ideas on how to support and encourage a 'culture of care', in our efforts to address environmental issues and those of the human beings who inhabit forested areas particularly.
Go to: https://www.iufro.org/discover/noticeboard/non-iufro-publications/
Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change - Sustainable Management
By Miguel Montoro Girona, Hubert Morin, Sylvie Gauthier, Yves Bergeron (eds.). Published by Springer in March 2023.
This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access:
Towards a Global Sentinel Plants Research Strategy to Prevent New Introductions of Non-native Pests and Pathogens in Forests. The Experience of HOMED
Many IUFRO Officeholders contributed to this paper published by RIO, the Research, Ideas and Outcomes Journal: https://riojournal.com/article/96744/
The ever-growing volume of intercontinental trade of living plants is considered responsible for the increasing introduction of seriously damaging non-native forest insects and fungal pathogens in all parts of the world. The use of sentinel woody plants in experimental plantings, Botanical Gardens and Arboreta has been experimentally validated as a tool for identifying possible unknown future threats prior to their introduction into new countries.
Approaches to Forecasting Damage by Invasive Forest Insects and Pathogens: A Cross-Assessment
Several IUFRO Officeholders are among the authors of this paper published on 1 March 2023 in BioScience, Volume 73, Pages 85–111, https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biac108
Nonnative insects and pathogens pose major threats to forest ecosystems worldwide, greatly diminishing the ecosystem services trees provide. The authors evaluate how and under what conditions the assumptions of each approach are best met and propose methods for integrating multiple approaches to improve our forecasting ability and prevent losses from invasive pests.
Launching a Technical Paper Series on Poplars and Willows
IUFRO Working Party 2.08.04 is happy to announce the launch of a technical paper series dedicated to the sustainable production of poplars and willows as feedstocks for bioproducts, bioenergy, and biofuels, as well as environmental and ecosystem services that sustain livelihoods, land uses, urban and rural development, and nature. https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-2/20000/20800/20804/
The technical papers may be from empirical research studies, on-the-ground applications from growers and other stakeholders, and syntheses of major topics related to poplar and willow biomass production systems. For more information, please reach out Ron Zalesny, Coordinator of IUFRO 2.08.04, at: ronald.zalesny(at)usda.gov
Position Announcements
Assistant Professor in Urban and Community Forestry/Arboriculture (2 positions)
Until 9 April or open until filled
The College of Natural Resources at UW-Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA is hiring two tenure track faculty positions. https://www3.uwsp.edu/hr/jobs/Pages/AcademicJobView.aspx?UWSPJobsCode=19418
Faculty Positions
Apply by 31 October 2023
The School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University currently has an opening in each of the following areas: Ecosystem Functions in Forest Environment and Silviculture or Tree Physiology.
Professor in Tree Growth and Wood Physiology
Apply by 21 April 2023
The Technical University of Munich (TUM) invites applications for the position of Professor in »Tree Growth and Wood Physiology«, W3 Associate or W3 Full Professor, to begin as soon as possible. The professorship will be assigned to the TUM School of Life Sciences, Department Life Science Systems, located at the interdisciplinary campus Freising-Weihenstephan.
PhD Position on the Use of Genomic Data
The Department of Forest Physiology and Genetics at the Slovenian Forestry Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, is inviting applications for a PhD position on the use of genomic data to improve prediction of tree provenance growth and resilience under future climate.
IUFRO Meetings and More
For a full list of meetings go to our online calendar at: https://www.iufro.org/events/calendar/current/
Find non-IUFRO meetings on the IUFRO Noticeboard at: https://www.iufro.org/discover/noticeboard/
On the Value of International Research Collaboration
Watch this teaser video with Andrew Liebhold, Research Entomologist at the USFS Northern Research Station, and former IUFRO Division 7 Coordinator, and learn about IUFRO:
Inviting Proposals to host IPS-IX by 1 May 2023
The IUFRO Poplar and Willow Genetics Working Party 2.08.04 convenes the International Poplar Symposium (IPS) every four years for the presentation and discussion of the most recent and important scientific findings in Populus and Salix genetics, molecular biology, physiology, ecology, wood science, etc. The ninth symposium, IPS-IX, will be held in 2026. https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-2/20000/20800/20804/
The Poplar and Willow Genetics Working Party 2.08.04 welcomes all proposals to host IPS-IX.
Please submit your bid to Dr. Ron Zalesny (USDA Forest Service, USA: ronald.zalesny(at)usda.gov
20 Apr 2023
International Conference “Application of Nature Therapy Principles for the Creation of Green Environment”
Birštonas, Lithuania
IUFRO 6.01.00 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-6/60000/60100/
Contact: Emilia Janeczko, emilia_janeczko(at)sggw.edu.pl
25 April 2023
Webinar series “Modelling Mixtures and Uneven-aged Forests”: From Pattern to Process to Application
Online, 15:05 – 16:00 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
IUFRO 4.01.00 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-4/40000/40100/
Contact: Bianca Eskelson, bianca.eskelson(at)ubc.ca
Register at: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5p3u4ClMjNaWClE
24 May 2023
Webinar series “Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats”: Small area estimation in forest inventories, what to do when sample sizes become small
Online, 8:05-9:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
IUFRO 4.01.00 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-4/40000/40100/
Contact: Bianca Eskelson, bianca.eskelson(at)ubc.ca
Register at: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0HttIjFNswnMx9k
4-6 Jun 2023
International Scientific Conference on Modern Technologies and Engineering in Sustainable Forest Utilization
Krakow, Poland
IUFRO 3.00.00 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-3/30000/
IUFRO 3.03.00 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-3/30000/30300/
Contact: Arkadiusz Stańczykiewicz, arkadiusz.stanczykiewicz(at)urk.edu.pl
5-8 June 2023
The Forests Factor: More nature to fight climate change, and the role of protected areas
Rome, Italy
Deadline for poster submission: 30 April 2023
Contact: forestfactor(at)rgpbio.it
12-16 Jun 2023
Summer School: Quantifying carbon fluxes and stocks in agricultural and forestry settings
Bordeaux, France
IUFRO 8.00.00 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-8/80000/
Contact: Marie-Pierre Ellies marie-pierre.ellies(at)agro-bordeaux.fr
22-24 Aug 2023
Advancing Silvicultural Technology
Umeå, Sweden
IUFRO 3.02.00 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-3/30000/30200/
Contact: Dan Bergström, dan.bergstrom(at)slu.se
29 Aug - 1 Sep 2023
Global Challenges and Innovative Management of Bark and Wood Borers in Planted Forests
Bordeaux, France
IUFRO 7.03.05 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-7/70000/70300/70305/
IUFRO 7.03.07 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-7/70000/70300/70307/
IUFRO 7.03.16 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-7/70000/70300/70316/
IUFRO Task Force Resilient Planted Forests Serving Society & Bioeconomy https://www.iufro.org/science/task-forces/resilient-planted-forests/
IUFRO Task Force Precision Pest Management (PPM) in Forest Ecosystems https://www.iufro.org/science/task-forces/precision-pest-management/
Contact: Tod Ramsfield, Tod.Ramsfield(at)canada.ca
20-22 Sep 2023
55th FORMEC and 7th Forest Engineering Conference (FEC): Improving access to sustainable forest materials in a resource-constrained world
Florence, Italy
IUFRO 3.00.00 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-3/30000/
Contact: Enrico Marchi, enrico.marchi(at)unifi.it
Raffaele Spinelli, spinelli(at)ivalsa.cnr.it
4-7 Oct 2023
World Conference on Forests for Public Health
Sherbrooke, Canada
IUFRO 6.06.00 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-6/60000/60600/
Contact: Christos Gallis, cgalis(at)fri.gr
24 Oct 2023
Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats: Assessment of Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Community Resource Management Areas in the Northern Savanna Zone
Online, 9:05-10:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
IUFRO 4.01.00 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-4/40000/40100/
Contact: Bianca Eskelson, bianca.eskelson(at)ubc.ca
Register at: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_57QwMFnlJOMKPXg
7-10 Nov 2023
5th International Congress on Planted Forests
Nairobi, Kenya
Submit your abstracts by 30 April 2023!
IUFRO Task Force Resilient Planted Forests Serving Society & Bioeconomy https://www.iufro.org/science/task-forces/resilient-planted-forests/
Co-organized by IEFC, IUFRO, the TreeDivNet network, and CIFOR-ICRAF, with the technical cooperation of FAO
Contact: Christophe Orazio, c.orazio(at)iefc.net
23-29 Jun 2024
Teak Session at XXVI IUFRO World Congress
Stockholm, Sweden
IUFRO 5.06.02 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-5/50000/50600/50602/
Teaknet, ITTO
Contact: Thulasidas PK, pktdas(at)gmail.com
23-29 Jun 2024
XXVI IUFRO World Congress
Forests and Society Towards 2050
Stockholm, Sweden
Awards nominations until 15 May 2023: https://iufro2024.com/call-for-nominations-for-iufro-awards/
Call for Abstracts open until 2 June 2023: https://www.iufro.org/events/congresses/2024/#c35443
Contact: Fredrik Ingemarson, fredrik.ingemarson(at)slu.se
Early 2025
Forest Establishment and Early Growth Dynamics
Rotorua, New Zealand
IUFRO 1.01.04 https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-1/10000/10100/10104/
Hosted by Scion Research
Contact: Carol Rolando, Carol.Rolando(at)scionresearch.com
Branching Out: The Forest Podcast - Coming Soon!
The first episode of the new IUFRO Podcast series will be launched later this April! You will hear Elena Paoletti, Fredrik Ingemarson, John Parrotta and Sarah Burns with information on what you can expect from the IUFRO World Congress 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden https://www.iufro.org/events/congresses/2024/.
The episode is hosted by Jose Bolaños (IUFRO HQ) and features Jennifer Hayes, US Forest Service. Do not miss it and share the podcast with your friends and colleagues!
Other Meetings
For more non-IUFRO meetings, please check the IUFRO Noticeboard:
10-14 Jul 2023
Forest Genetics 2023: Discovery & Innovation in Changing Climates
Vernon, BC, Canada
Western Forest Genetics Association (WFGA); Canadian Forest Genetics Association/ l'Association canadienne de génétique forestière (CFGA)
Contact: Nicholas Ukrainetz, Nicholas.Ukrainetz(at)gov.bc.ca
12-14 Jul 2023
Workshop: Education to Live with Fire
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Organized by Facing Fire
Contact: project.facing.fire(at)usc.es
20 Jul – 4 Aug 2023
Summer School: Modelling Assisted Migration to Adapt Forests and Ecosystem Services to Climate Change
Vienna, Austria
Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW), The EVOLTREE network, and Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS)
Registration deadline: 15 April 2023
19-26 Aug 2023
Summer School: PROMOWOOD – Promotion of wood as key element for achieving net zero
Davos, Switzerland
ETH-Domain initiatives MainWood & SCENE, NFZ.forestnet and SwissForestLab
Application deadline: 1 May 2023
Contact: swissforestlab_summerschool(at)wsl.ch
IUFRO News Issue 3, 2023, published in early April 2023
by IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna, Austria.
Contact the editor at office(at)iufro(dot)org or visit https://www.iufro.org/
Imprint: https://www.iufro.org/legal/#c10402