Fellowships/Scholarships/Research Funding
Gund PhD Research Fellowships // 15 January 2024
The Gund Institute is a research center dedicated to understanding and tackling the world's most critical environmental challenges, where over 250 faculty, global affiliates, postdocs, and graduate students collaborate widely to understand interactions among ecological, social, and economic systems. The Institute seeks PhD students working on the Gund Institute's five research themes, and especially the connections among them. Student's primary advisor must be a Gund Fellow. Students will receive four years of support, typically three years of this assistantship ($35,000 stipend per year) plus a fourth year of teaching assistantships or other support from the home department (department stipends may vary). Also covered with this assistantship are tuition and UVM's student health insurance. Funded students also have access to professional development trainings and funds for conference participation and research costs. Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously studied at UVM and who already have a Master's degree, but all qualified candidates will be considered. These assistantships are for individuals who have not yet started their PhDs.Institution: Gund Institute for Environment, University of Vermont (UVM)
Closing date: 15 January 2024
Details: https://uvm.infoready4.com/#competitionDetail/1917037