IUFRO's Funding Partners
IUFRO is most grateful to all our funding partners for providing financial support and in-kind contributions to IUFRO activities. Our funding partners include national governments, international organizations and institutions, private foundations and research agencies around the globe.
Continuous Funding
The following partners (listed in alphabetical order) provide continuous funding, both financially and in-kind, to IUFRO Headquarters and its various Special Projects and Programmes (i.e. the Special Programme for Development of Capacities, SPDC; the Global Forest Information Service, GFIS; the Sciene-Policy Programme, SciPol; the Special Project on World Forests, Society and Environment, WFSE; and the Special Programme Directors’ Forum, SPDF):
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management (BML)
German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, BMU
German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, BMZ
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, MFA
National Institute of Forest Science, Republic of Korea, NIFOS
Natural Resources Institute Finland, LUKE
United States Forest Service, US-FS
Project-Based Funding
Specific projects within the network, including some of the activities by IUFRO’s Special Projects and Programmes, benefit from direct project-based funding (both financial and in-kind).
The following sponsors (in alphabetical order) provided their support to IUFRO projects and activities in 2019-2021:
Austrian Research Centre for Forests, BFW
CIFOR-ICRAF (through the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry)
European Forest Institute, EFI
German Ministry of Food and Agriculture, BMEL
Global Environment Facility, GEF