Officeholder Audrius Menkis
Audrius Menkis
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Institutionen för skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi
PO Box 7026
75007 Uppsala
Coordinator 7.03.04 – Diseases and insects in forest nurseries
Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Institutionen för skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi
PO Box 7026
75007 Uppsala
Direct | Organization |
Email: audrius.menkis(at) Phone: +46-18-672729 | Email: servicecenter(at) Fax: +46-18-673599 Phone: +46-18-671873 URL: |
Research interests
- biology and control of invasive tree pathogens
- population biology and population genetics of fungi
- fungal genomics and transcriptomics
- biology, ecology and conservation of red-listed fungi
- tree devastating insects and vectored microorganisms
- functional diversity and ecology of wood-inhabiting & soil fungi
- beneficial and pathogenic fungi in forest nurseries and afforestations
- disease diagnostics using molecular methods
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