3.10.00 - Forest robotics and digital forest operations
Webinar Series "Automation in Forest Operations"
- Webinar Series "Automation in Forest Operations" - Webinar 3; online; 20 October 2021. IUFRO Units involved: 3.01.00, 3.10.00 . Webinar flyer - Video recording
- Webinar Series "Automation in Forest Operations" - Webinar 2; online; 15 September 2021. IUFRO Units involved: 3.01.00, 3.10.00. Webinar flyer - Video recording
- Webinar Series "Automation in Forest Operations" - Webinar 1; online; 25 August 2021. IUFRO Units involved: 3.01.00, 3.10.00. Webinar flyer - Video recording
Additional information: About the Operations Automation Webinar - Report