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Putting a Halt to Tropical Forest Loss is a Matter of Human Survival

The drivers of deforestation are multiple and they interact in many ways. Yet, there are many possible solutions and tools to tackle the problem of deforestation and to help make forests more resilient to climate change.

Tropical forests are a globally significant resource for a number of reasons – their role in carbon storage, their biodiversity value, their role in sustaining local livelihoods, and their role in regulating the atmospheric hydrological cycle. It is therefore crucial to emphasize the particular importance of tropical forests for global well-being and, consequently, the urgency to effectively curb deforestation and forest degradation. With this press release, IUFRO scientists are drawing attention to possible solutions to address these issues:

  • Securing access and tenure rights to Indigenous communities
  • Encouraging the agro-industrialist private sector to adopt voluntary sustainability standards aiming at zero deforestation.
  • Improving the coherence and complementarity of forest conservation and sustainable use policies.

The widespread nature of the problems of deforestation, forest degradation and land-related conflicts, especially in tropical regions, and the equally widespread nature of their negative effects as they ripple outward across cultures and borders, will be addressed in many of the scientific sessions at the IUFRO World Congress in Curitiba, Brazil, on 29 September – 5 October 2019.

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iwc19-press-release-deforestatation-190909.pdf185 Ki
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