Daniela Kleinschmit
Universität Freiburg
Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik
Address | Direct | Organization |
Tennenbacherstr. 4 79106 Freiburg I. Br. Germany | Email: daniela.kleinschmit(at) Phone: +49-761-2033712 | Email: andy.selter(at) Fax: +49-761-2033705 Phone: +49-761-2033713 URL: |
Woodam Chung
Oregon State University
College of Forestry
Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management
Address | Direct | Organization |
280 Peavy Hall / 3100 Jefferson Way Corvallis Oregon 97331-5709 United States | Email: woodam.chung(at) Phone: +1-541-7378248 | Fax: +1-541-7374316 Phone: +1-541-7374952 URL: |
Elena Paoletti
Address | Direct |
Via Madonna del Piano 10 50019 Sesto Fiorentino Italy | Email: elena.paoletti(at) Phone: +39-055-5225591; +39-329-8061717 |
John Parrotta
US Forest Service
Research & Development
Address | Direct | Organization |
201 14th St. SW Washington DC 20250 United States | Email: john.parrotta(at) Phone: +1-202-5588964 URL: | Fax: +1-202-2051530 Phone: +1-202-2051544 URL: |
Alexander Buck
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
Address | Direct | Organization |
Marxergasse 2 1030 Wien Austria | Email: buck(at) Phone: +43-1-877015112 | Email: office(at) Fax: +43-1-877015150 Phone: +43-1-8770151 URL: |
Pil Sun Park
Seoul National University
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Forest Sciences
Address | Direct | Organization |
1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu Seoul 08826 Korea (Rep) | Email: pspark(at) Phone: +82-2-8804771 | Email: parkik1(at) Fax: +82-2-8733560 Phone: +82-2-8804777 URL: |
Teresa De Jesus Fidalgo Fonseca
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Departamento de Ciências Florestais e Arquitectura Paisagista (CIFAP)
Address | Direct | Organization |
Quinta de Prados, Apartado 1013 5000-801 Vila Real Portugal | Email: tfonseca(at) Phone: +351-964-348330 | Email: tfonseca(at) Fax: +351-259-350480 Phone: +351-259-350000 URL: |
Santiago C. González-Martínez
INRAE Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement
ECOFA - Structure, fonctionnement et évolution des écosystèmes continentaux faiblement
anthropisés / BIOGECO - Biodiversité, Gènes et Communautés
Address | Direct | Organization |
69 route d'Arcachon 33610 Cestas France | Email: santiago.gonzalez-martinez(at) Phone: +33-5-35385320 | Email: christine.charlot(at) Fax: +33-5-57122881 URL: |
Amanda De La Torre
Northern Arizona University
School of Forestry
College of Engineering, Forestry and Natural Sciences
Address | Direct | Organization |
200 East Pine Knoll Drive Flagstaff Arizona 86011 United States | Email: Phone: +1-928-5234976 | Email: forestryinfo(at) Fax: +1-928-5231080 Phone: +1-928-5233031 URL: |
Ola Lindroos
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Fakulteten för skogsvetenskap
Institutionen för skogens biomaterial och teknologi
Address | Direct | Organization |
Skogsmarksgränd 17 90183 Umeå Sweden | Email: ola.lindroos(at) Phone: +46-90-7868636 | URL: |
Rene Zamora Cristales
World Resources Institute
Department of Food, Forest and Water
Address | Direct | Organization |
10 G Street NE Suite 800 Washington D.c. 20002 United States | Email: rzamora(at) Phone: +1-541-9084323 | Fax: +1-202-7803283 Phone: +1-202-7803283 URL: |
Bianca Eskelson
University of British Columbia
Department of Forest Resources Management
Forest Sciences Centre
Address | Direct | Organization |
2424 Main Mall Vancouver British Columbia V6T 1Z4 Canada | Email: bianca.eskelson(at) Phone: +1-604-8270629 URL: | Email: frm.recept(at) Fax: +1-604-8229106 Phone: +1-604-8223482 URL: |
Donald Hodges
University of Tennessee
School of Natural Resources
Address | Direct | Organization |
401 Agriculture and Natural Resources Building 2431 Joe Johnson Drive Knoxville Tennessee 37996-4563 United States | Email: dhodges2(at) Phone: +1-865-9742706 | Email: naturalresources(at) Fax: +1-865-9744714 Phone: +1-865-9747126 URL: |
Roger Meder
University of the Sunshine Coast & Meder Consulting
Forest Industries Research Centre
Forest Research Institute
Address | Direct | Organization |
Locked Bag 4 Maroochydore DC Queensland 4558 Australia | Email: rmeder(at) roger(at) | Phone: +61-7-54301234 URL: |
Franka Brüchert
Forstliche Versuchs- u Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg
Abteilung Waldnutzung
Address | Direct | Organization |
Wonnhaldestr. 4 79100 Freiburg I. Br. Germany | Email: franka.bruechert(at) Phone: +49-761-4018239 | Fax: +49-761-4018333 Phone: +49-761-40180 URL: |
Justin Morgenroth
University of Canterbury
School of Forestry
College of Engineering
Address | Direct | Organization |
Private Bag 4800 Christchurch New Zealand | Email: justin.morgenroth(at) Phone: +64-3-3695966 | Email: jeanette.allen(at) Fax: +64-3-3642124 Phone: +64-3-3693500 URL: |
Purabi Bose
Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA)
Address | Direct | Organization |
PO Box 6806 11386 Stockholm Sweden | Email: purabib2(at) Phone: +46-40-415182 | Email: akademien(at) Fax: +46-8-54547710 Phone: +46-8-545477 00 URL: |
Tod Ramsfield
Ressources Naturelles Canada
Centre de Foresterie du Nord
Address | Direct | Organization |
5320-122nd Street Edmonton Alberta T6H 3S5 Canada | Email: tod.ramsfield(at) Phone: +1-825-5101303 | Email: Fax: +1-825-5101119 Phone: +1-825-5101154 URL: |
Maartje Johanna Klapwijk
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Institutionen för ekologi
Enhet för Skogsentomologi
Address | Direct | Organization |
PO Box 7044 75007 Uppsala Sweden | Email: maartje.klapwijk(at) Phone: +46-18-672402 | Phone: +46-18-671000 URL: |
Chabi Djagoun
Ecole d'Aménagement et de Gestion de l'Environnement
Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques
Université d'Abomey-Calavi
Address | Direct | Organization |
01 BP 526 Cotonou Benin | Email: dchabi(at) Phone: +229-9-7890218; +229-2-1303084 | Email: contact.labef(at) Fax: +229-2-1303084 URL:; |
Alexia Stokes
Address | Direct | Organization |
Boulevard de la Lironde 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 France | Email: alexia.stokes(at) Phone: +33-4-67615965; +33-6-21784659 | Email: nathalie.hodebert(at) Fax: +33-4-67615668 Phone: +33-4-67616562 URL: |
Monica Gabay
Address | Direct | Organization |
Av. Corrientes 1762, 3 B 1042 Buenos Aires Argentina | Email: monagabay(at) | Email: monagabay(at) |
Jinlong Liu
Renmin University of China
School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Centre for Forest, Environmental and Resources Policy Study
Address | Direct | Organization |
No.59 Zhongguancun St. Beijing Haidian District 100872 China | Email: liujinlong(at) Phone: +86-13-701193801; +86-10-82509118 | Email: liujinlong(at) Fax: +86-10-62511064 URL:; |
Lijuan Cui
Chinese Academy of Forestry, National Forestry and Grassland Administration
Address | Direct | Organization |
No.1, Dongxiaofu, Xiangshan Road Beijing Haidian District 100091 China | Email: cafclj(at) Phone: +86-10-62888897 | Email: lixuejiaoli(at) Fax: +86-10-62884229 Phone: +86-10-62889092 URL: |
Wubalem Tadesse Wondifraw
Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute (EEFRI)
Forest Resources Utilization Research
Address | Direct | Organization |
PO Box 30804 Addis Ababa Ethiopia | Email: wubalem16(at) Phone: +251-912-132303 | Fax: +251-116-460345 Phone: +251-116-460444 URL: |
Sandra Rodríguez
Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua
Facultad de Zootecnica y Ecología
Address | Direct | Organization |
Periférico Francisco R. Almada Km 1 Chihuahua CP 33820 Mexico | Email: spineros(at) Phone: +52-614-4966334 | Email: posgradofzye(at) Fax: +52-614-4325550 Phone: +52-614-4340304 URL: |
Marilyn Sabalvaro Combalicer
University of Philippines at Los Baños
College of Forestry and Natural Resources
Department of Forest Biological Sciences
Address | Direct | Organization |
College Laguna 4031 Philippines | Email: mscombalicer(at) msc1330(at) Phone: +63-929-7724366 | Fax: +63-49-5363206 Phone: +63-49-5362773; +63-49-5363604 URL: |
Elfriede Moser
Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Regionen und Wasserwirtschaft (BML)
Sektion Forstwirtschaft und Nachhaltigkeit
Address | Direct | Organization |
Marxergasse 2 1030 Wien Austria | Email: elfriede.moser(at) Phone: +43 1 71100 607301 | Phone: +43-1-711000 |
Michael Kleine
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
Special Programme for Development of Capacities (SPDC)
Address | Direct | Organization |
Marxergasse 2 1030 Wien Austria | Email: kleine(at) Phone: +43-1-8770151 ext. 22 | Email: office(at) Fax: +43-1-8770151-50 Phone: +43-1-8770151 URL: |
Nelson Grima
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
Address | Direct | Organization |
Marxergasse 2 1030 Wien Austria | Email: grima(at) Phone: +43-1-877015115 | Email: office(at) Fax: +43-1-877015150 Phone: +43-1-8770151 URL: |
Pia Katila
Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke)
Biotalous ja ympäristö
Luonnonvarapolitiikat ja -markkinat
Address | Direct | Organization |
Latokartanonkaari 9 00790 Helsinki Finland | Email: pia.katila(at) Phone: +358-40-8015331 | Phone: +358-29-5326000 URL: |
Ernest G. Foli
CSIR - Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG)
Address | Direct | Organization |
PO Box UP63, KNUST Kumasi Ghana | Email: efoli(at) efoli(at) egfoli(at) Phone: +233-262-714148 | Email: director(at) Fax: +233-3220-60121 Phone: +233-3220-60123 URL: |
Jane Njuguna
Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)
Address | Direct | Organization |
PO Box 20412-0200, Muguga 00200 Nairobi Kenya | Email: jnjuguna(at) Phone: +254-722-812-341, +254-788-635-735 | Email: director(at) Fax: +254-722-259782 Phone: +254-724-259781 URL: |
Please send updates to IUFRO Headquarters via the online Officeholder Information and Consent Form
Observer Organizations
Permanent Observers
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA)
Other Observers
- Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet)
- Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
- European Geosciences Union (EGU)
- International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
- International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)