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Annual Report 2022

Read about IUFRO activities clustered around these themes: Forests for People, Forests and Climate Change, Forests and Forest-Based Products for a Greener Future, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Biological Invasions, Forests, Soil and Water Interactions.

2022 was an important and, in many ways, transitional year for the IUFRO extended family. After two full years during which global networking was constrained by the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, IUFRO held several significant in-person and hybrid conferences and made major contributions to other international meetings. Notable among these events was the All-IUFRO Conference "Forests in a Volatile World – Global Collaboration to Sustain Forests and Their Societal Benefits", a hybrid meeting held in Vienna, Austria.

As described in the Post-2020 Strategy, the work in IUFRO is focused on five thematic areas, which are closely interconnected. Activities and accomplishments presented in this report are clustered around these themes:

  • Forests for People
  • Forests and Climate Change
  • Forests and Forest-Based Products for a Greener Future
  • Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Biological Invasions
  • Forests, Soil and Water Interactions

An overview of publications, membership changes and other organizational information rounds off the report.

Link to full report:
Link to short report (published in February 2023):

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