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IUFRO Spotlights


IUFRO Spotlight #11

The publication "Gender, Development and Environmental Governance" takes a look at the issue of gender equality as it relates to development and environmental governance of the forests.

In her publication entitled "Gender, Development and Environmental Governance", the author, Seema Arora-Jonsson of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Coordinator of the IUFRO Working Party dealing with gender research in forestry, focuses on groups in India, which is widely recognized as a highly gender-biased country and in Sweden, a country seen as highly gender-equal. She concludes that success in terms of gender equality is unlikely unless questions of power and discrimination are dealt with. To really understand and govern forests one has to go beyond the trees and look at the social contexts and interrelated issues of development and democracy.


Further reading:

spotlight11-gender-forestry.pdf1.51 Mi