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Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 135 in IUFRO News Vol. 45, Issue 3, late March 2016

From Development Discourses to Providing Data for Decision Making - an international seminar organized jointly by IUFRO WFSE and FAO-Finland Forestry Programme.

The seminar discussed forest-related development and provision of forest data for advancing sustainable development.

Discussions focused on topics such as implications of sustainable development goals for forests, environmental concerns in the bioeconomy discourse, perceptions of the problem of illegal logging and its solutions across the globe, equity discourses around REDD+ and the relationship between REDD+ and agricultural intensification as well as the implications of the climate agreement of COP21 in Paris.

The seminar took place in Helsinki, Finland, on 1 March 2016 and was supported by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Download the full Scientific Summary:

scicsumm135-wfse.pdf1.95 Mi