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Prestigious Awards for former IUFRO officeholder from Japan

The Japanese Forest Society bestows an award to Dr. Mariko Inoue of FFPRI.

In March Dr. Mariko Inoue of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) Japan received an award for her work "Forest education for sustainable use of natural resources" from the Japanese Forest Society. Dr. Inoue is one of the first female scientists to receive this award.

Mariko has led the study of forest education in Japan. She has systematically and theoretically reviewed vocational, professional, and environmental education for the general public including children. She argues that more practical applications for a sustainable society should be taken into consideration and in addition launched some forest education practices for the general public.

Dr. Inoue is a former Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO Research Group 6.09.00 - Forest Education and, through IUFRO, raised awareness for forest education in Japan to the international community.

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