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5.04.00 - Wood processing


Rupert Wimmer, Austria

About Unit

The Wood Processing Research Group covers the processing of all kinds of wood products on a world wide basis, and works to promote the processing of forest products to sustain productivity in an environmentally acceptable and efficient manner. This Group includes research on wood drying, adhesives and wood gluing, sawing, milling and machining, production systematics, finishing and surfacing, and industrial engineering operations.

Worldwide, the forest resource is changing. Small-diameter trees and wood from underutilized species are becoming larger components of the forest resource base. A strong need exists to develop processing methods to utilize this changing resource so that it becomes economically feasible to remove them. Economic removal and processing of these resources is essential as a part of our efforts to restore and maintain healthy ecosystems. Additionally, new technologies are needed that have the flexibility to economically process mixed species of different sizes.

Major goals of the Research Group include

  1. Coordinating and discussing research and promoting the application of research results related to wood processing,
  2. Assisting with increasing the integration and optimization of the various elements of the total wood processing system, and
  3. Placing added emphasis on improved yield of raw materials, energy conservation, increased use of renewable materials, and incorporation of the latest technology from other technical disciplines. International meetings, workshops and forums for the discussion of research are encouraged, organized and promoted as one way to provide for the exchange of research findings related to the efficient processing of wood.

The Research Group Leader and Deputies are responsible for facilitating communications with and between Working Party Coordinators of the Wood Processing Research Group, and for preparing annual progress reports for IUFRO and synthesis reports for IUFRO World Congresses.

The Research Group and the specific Working Parties that are a part of this Group welcome new members. If you have a specific interest in a particular aspect of Wood Processing, you are encouraged to contact any of the leaders and become involved in our many different activities, technical meetings and workshops.