Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)
IUFRO has been a Charter Member of the GLF since 2018. GLF Charter Members share a strong commitment to the vision of advancing, mainstreaming and implementing the ‘Landscape Approach’ to building landscapes that are productive, prosperous, equitable and resilient.
The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) was founded in 2013 by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), together with the World Bank and UN Environment. At this time the annual global land use related conferences, Forest Day and Agricultural and Rural Development Day, were merged, and the GLF began championing the Landscape Approach.
IUFRO had already been actively involved in the Forest Days. Since 2013, IUFRO has been involved to varying degrees in a number of GLF activities, including global and regional forums, GLFx, the Restoration Stewards program, and communication, mostly through IUFRO’s Special Programme for Development of Capacities, but also through the Special Project on World Forests, Society and Environment (IUFRO-WFSE) and others.
Joint activities:
2022:Establishment of GLFx Chapter in Guatemala underway
GLFx aims to enable and accelerate action towards more sustainable landscapes:
2021: GLF Climate, Glasgow, UK, November, online
Online panel discussion on forest landscape restoration at GLF Climate, Glasgow, 8 November 2021: "FOREST LANDSCAPE RESTORATION FOR CLIMATE, NATURE AND PEOPLE"
The panelists discussed crucial issues and ways forward in advancing sustainable and equitable forest and landscape restoration.
2021: Restoring Africa’s Drylands: Accelerating Action on the Ground, June, online
IUFRO was involved in a session and a workshop:
- Session: Know-how needed for successful forest landscape restoration in Africa
This session shared fundamental practices and skills needed by different actors to support progress in forest landscape restoration (FLR) on the ground. - Workshop: Enhancing restoration capacities in African drylands
The session highlighted pathways towards enhancing practitioners’ capacities through the development or up-scaling of key knowledge products and various capacity development initiatives.
2021: Launch of GLFx Chapter Liliongwe, Malawi
The Chapter was launched on Friday, 21 May 2021 in the course of a digital and in-person forum titled "Getting Everyone on Board to Accelerate Restoration Action on the Ground" in Lilongwe, Malawi. (Concept Note of this event; Programme)
2020: Restoration Stewards program
Under the banner of Generation Restoration, the Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL) and the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) launched the Restoration Stewards program in 2020. The year-long program supports and highlights the work of six young restoration practitioners and their teams. IUFRO has been involved at all stages of the Restoration Stewards program, particularly by mentoring a young practitioner from Argentina.
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