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Special Programmes and Projects

Special Programme for Development of Capacities - IUFRO-SPDC

" expand and foster forest research capacity in economically disadvantaged countries"


Science-Policy Programme (SciPol)

Combining diverse expertise to assess scientific knowledge about the role of forests and trees in achieving global goals and inform political decision making.


World Forests, Society and Environment (IUFRO-WFSE)

The extensive global  network of researchers collates and critically analyses the scientific research knowledge on crucial issues in the interrelations between forests, society and the environment.


Directors' Forum

Bringing together heads of forest research institutes and deans of forest faculties and providing a platform for the exchange and development of views on the management of forest research and strategic research priorities.


SilvaVoc Terminology Project

The acronym is a composition of silva = forest, and voc = vocabulary.

It emphasizes the importance of the correct usage of technical terms in forestry, and is the name of IUFRO's clearinghouse for multilingual forest terminology.


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