Reducing the Carbon Footprint of IUFRO Headquarters Operations
IUFRO Headquarters has developed a concise policy document on measures to reduce the carbon foot print of its operations. Following a consultation process involving all members of the IUFRO Headquarters' Team, a wide range of measures were identified that have the potential to contribute to a reduction in the use of fossil energy.
Over the years, IUFRO HQ which is hosted by the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism (BMLRT) in one of its government buildings has been participating in the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) developed by the European Commission. Within this scheme IUFRO-HQ took an active role in reducing energy consumption within its office, avoiding daily waste through re-usable food containers and providing staff members with free public transport for the daily commuting between the office and their homes.
In view of the escalating climate crisis and the increased need to more drastically pursue changes towards a low-carbon economy, the IUFRO-HQ Team decided to accelerate its measures in the transition to a more sustainable future. To this end the new carbon policy outlines best practices for reducing the carbon footprint for all IUFRO-HQ operations including those of the Special Programme and Projects. These measures include replacing short air travel for business trips by using trains, timely clustering of overseas meetings to reduce the numbers of long-distance flights, replacing physical meetings by virtual ones whenever possible and pursuing a green procurement policy for events and office materials. Unavoidable air travel by IUFRO HQ staff and sponsored participants of IUFRO's Special Programmes and Projects will be compensated by payments into selected carbon-offset schemes.
This carbon policy represents a self-commitment by members of IUFRO HQ and is in line with best practices for reducing the carbon foot print employed by an increasing number of companies and organizations around the world.
Learn more from: "Reducing the Carbon Footprint of IUFRO-HQ Operations" - A Policy Guideline for Activities by IUFRO-Staff based at HQ in Vienna, Austria: PDF for download