Officeholder Listya Mustika Dewi
Listya Mustika Dewi
Forest Products Research and Development Center
Forestry and Environment Research, Development and Innovation Agency (FOERDIA)
Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Pusat penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan
Badan Penelitian Pengembangan dan Inovasi
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan
J. Gunung Batu no. 5 / PO Box 165
Bogor 16 119
Deputy Coordinator 5.16.01 – Wood collections and databases
Forestry and Environment Research, Development and Innovation Agency (FOERDIA)
Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Pusat penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan
Badan Penelitian Pengembangan dan Inovasi
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan
J. Gunung Batu no. 5 / PO Box 165
Bogor 16 119
Direct | Organization |
Email: lizthya(at) lizthya2(at) listyadewi(at) Phone: +62-813-98046390; +62-251-8633378 | Fax: +62-251-8633413 URL: |
Research interests
- wood identification
- wood anatomy and wood quality
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