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Forests in Women's Hands

Connecting women in forestry is the central theme of the international conference Forests in Women's Hands. Register now for this networking event to be held online from WALDCAMPUS Austria in Traunkirchen on 12-13 April 2021.

Women's forestry networks such as Austria's Forstfrauen and similar networks in Germany, the Nordic countries, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and other countries are already connecting female forest owners and professionals and creating opportunities for women in forestry. The conference will provide an occasion to share about the networks that you are familiar with, and to discover others.

At the conference forest owners, practitioners, decision makers, and academics will address questions such as: Why and for whom is gender equality important? What enables or prevents gender equality from being achieved in society and organizations? What determines if interventions contribute to achieving goals?

If you would like to present a women's network or a relevant initiative connected to gender equality in forestry at the Information Market during the conference, please contact info.2021(at)

The Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW), together with Forstfrauen, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) and the International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA), are pleased to host this international conference.

Find out more: 
Register here: Registration & Accommodation - Forstfrauen


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