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Annual Reports


Annual Report 2008

Highlighting IUFRO's significant forest science activities and interdisciplinary cooperation as well as its initiatives to promote scientific knowledge to international forest policy in 2008…

IUFRO's work in 2008 is presented in this Annual Report. More than 60 scientific events were organized and/or (co-) hosted by IUFRO Units to promote increased forest science and interdisciplinary cooperation. Throughout the year IUFRO was actively promoting the scientific knowledge of our network to international forest policy and strengthened partnership with international organizations and processes such as FAO, ITTO, UNFF and CBD. In this context IUFRO continued to be a very active member of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF). The IUFRO-led CPF initiative "Global Forest Expert Panels" (GFEP) constitutes a new global mechanism for supporting forest-related intergovernmental policy processes by providing independent scientific assessments and producing reports on issues of high concern. Of course, the Annual Report also lists new members of IUFRO and recipients of IUFRO awards and gives an overview of the Union's financial affairs.

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