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IUFRO Spotlights


IUFRO Spotlight #17 – 2014 IUFRO World Congress

Forest outlook: What does the future hold? Scientists at the 2014 IUFRO World Congress will discuss the transformative effects of globalization on the use of forest resources and on the companies and communities that extract value from fibre.

Forest outlook: What does the future hold?

Providing a sort of scientific crystal ball to give glimpses into the years ahead and discuss how to meet and adapt to coming challenges will be a sub-plenary session at the congress entitled, appropriately enough, "The Future of Our Forests".

Resources for the Future, the IUFRO task force behind this session, has set out to examine four major game-changers – globalization, plantations, new products and forest ecosystem services – and what they mean, and will mean, for forests, forest research and forest-dependent communities.

Further reading:

congress-spotlight17-future-of-forests.pdf599 Ki