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IUFRO Spotlights


IUFRO Spotlight #32 – Sharing Knowledge to Rebuild Tropical Forests and Landscapes

Extensive deforestation and degradation are causing a significant decline in the biological diversity and the ecosystem goods and services provided by tropical forests. And, in many African countries there is a notable connection between degradation and the inability of decision makers – and the larger society – to access existing scientific knowledge and innovations that could help reverse the impacts of forest degradation.

To address this issue, IUFRO, with its partner institutions in four International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)-member African countries – Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria – implemented a project to disseminate scientific information. The initiative was supported by ITTO through its Thematic Programme on REDDES (Reducing Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Enhancing Environmental Services from Forests).

The full report on the project can be found at:

The results of the REDDES Project will also be presented in the forthcoming IUFRO-SPDC Training Workshop on Science-Policy Interactions “Making Science Work for Forest and Landscape Restoration” to be held in Durban, South Africa from 4-6 September 2015, in conjunction with the World Forestry Congress. For more information visit:

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