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IUFRO Spotlights


Congress Spotlight #69 - Sifting through underlying values and ethics to make sound nature management decisions

How does one decide how to manage a forest ethically? IUFRO World Congress session will flag the importance of identifying and understanding value commitments and ethical judgments underlying management of nature.

Forest stakeholders have different wants, different needs, and different values. Additionally, times, perspectives and situations also change.  And all those differences come into play when dealing with any human-nature interactions, including forest management.

Dr. Christian Gamborg, Associate Professor in Natural Resource Ethics at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, will present a session entitled: Ethics and values in relation to forest, recreation and wildlife management at the IUFRO World Congress in Brazil this fall, in which he will explore the underlying values and ethical aspects related to those issues.

At the session there will be a range of presentations focusing on case studies and theoretical reflections from all over the world. Among them: wildlife management by recreational hunting; valuation of ecosystems services; public values and forest management in relation to combatting climate change; pest control and population conservation.

Further reading:

congress-spotlight69-values-and-ethics.pdf396 Ki