IUFRO Spotlights
Congress Spotlight #74 - Computer Science Solutions to Better Understand Forest Cover and Land Use Changes in Brazil
Using 21st century technology to examine the dynamics of land use and land cover (LULC) in tropical forests over time, and how those forests are affected by the changes, will be discussed at the IUFRO World Congress in Brazil.
Computer Science Solutions to Better Understand Forest Cover and Land Use Changes in Brazil
"There are a number of mapping and monitoring initiatives for forest cover, but there is still a lack of understanding of the dynamics, factors and pressures that impact forests over time in the landscape," said Dr. Tasso Azevedo, of the Brazilian Annual Land Use and Land Cover Mapping Project (MapBiomas). Dr. Azevedo is chair of the Congress session entitled: Cloud computing and remote sensing to understand 30-year dynamics of Brazilian forests.
At the session, a series of annual land cover/land use maps and what they reveal through the passage of years in the Caatinga (northeastern Brazil), Cerrado (the savanna), Amazon and Chaco regions will be presented, as well as new technologies for monitoring and modeling land cover/use. Presentations will also foster better understanding of native vegetation dynamics and processes such as deforestation, degradation, restoration and their impacts on climate change and sustainable production. The data presented, in addition to assisting in the understanding of various tropical forest processes and dynamics, will also explore opportunities and challenges for global mapping.
Further reading:
- View all IUFRO Spotlights at https://www.iufro.org/media/iufro-spotlights/
- Ficheros:
- congress-spotlight74-cloud-computing.pdf351 Ki