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Themebox list


  1. XXVI IUFRO World Congress
  2. 6th IUFRO 2.09.02 Conference: The might of vegetative propagation for healthy and productive forests to face climate challenges
  3. IX Congreso Chileno de Ciencias Forestales: "Descubriendo, aceptando desafíos, y cultivando sostenibilidad"
  4. 10th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference
  5. 11th European Conference on Wood Modification
  6. International Conference on Tropical Wood - Advancing the Sustainable Use of Tropical Forests
  7. IUFRO ForestGALES/fgr Workshop 2024
  8. Diversity of Wood in Culture: 2024 Online World Wood Day Symposium and The Sixth IUFRO Forest Products Culture Colloquium
  9. IUFRO Tree Biotech 2024
  10. 5th International Symposium of Forest Engineering and Technologies (FETEC 2024): "Forest operation technologies and systems for small-scale forestry applications"
  11. UniSC & IUFRO 5.01 Joint Webinar: Resistance Drilling of Standing Trees for Wood Quality Survey ─ Resi User Group Meeting: How Resi data has been incorporated into YTGen and how it can be used to output yield and wood quality data
  12. Leakage impacts of the EU's biodiversity and climate policies - Panel Session at the International Forest Policy Meeting 5
  13. 26th International Wood Machining Seminar (IWMS26)


  1. 5.07.04 - Small conventional power systems
  2. 5.12.00 - Sustainable utilization of forest products
  3. 5.15.00 - Forest products culture
  4. 5.01.09 - Non-destructive evaluation of wood and wood-based materials
  5. 9.05.09 - African Forest Politics and Governance
  6. 9.05.04 - Forest policies in the Baltic and CEE regions
  7. 5.16.00 - Wood identification