Information for IUFRO meeting participants

Dear IUFRO Event Participant:

You are participating in an event, (co-)organized by an IUFRO Scientific Unit (Division, Research Group, Working Party, Task Force, Special Programme/Project). We hope that the event will be interesting and will provide you with relevant scientific information.

If you are working with an IUFRO Member Organization - if you are not sure, please check - and you want to get to know IUFRO even better, please have a look at the following items:

If you are not a member of IUFRO or do not work with an IUFRO Member Organization, but wish to join, please visit the membership section on the IUFRO website and learn about the benefits that membership in IUFRO has to offer.

Should you be interested in contributing to a certain Research Group, Working Party or Task Force, please contact IUFRO Headquarters - we will be happy to put you in contact with the Unit's Coordinator.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards

Alexander Buck
Executive Director of IUFRO