On-Line Library
Welcome to the free on-line literature database of IUFRO.
How to go about your literature search
The database includes literature related to forest research collected in the reference library of the IUFRO Secretariat and in the library of the Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests (BFW). You can first choose a language and then between the three catalogues before starting the actual search.
Which catalogue to choose
In the IUFRO database you will mainly find proceedings from IUFRO Meetings and IUFRO publications such as World Series, Occasional Papers etc. You can go about your search in English, German and to some extent in Spanish.
The BFW database includes publications since 1981 and all publications of BFW scientists since 1874. Please note that only about 20% of the titles in the BFW database are in English; the rest is in German. If you search for a certain subject, you should always select German language and enter your search term in German.
If you are looking for journals (Journal Search) or for new items (New Items List), you are recommended to select the BFW database as your search catalogue.
The documents in the database provide bibliographic information about author, title, source, and subject.
In the new URL database you can find links to forestry related Web sites.