Scientific Divisions:
- Division 1 – Silviculture
- Division 2 – Physiology and Genetics
- Division 3 – Forest Operations Engineering and Management
- Division 4 – Forest Assessment, Modelling and Management
- Division 5 – Forest Products
- Division 6 – Social Aspects of Forests and Forestry
- Division 7 – Forest Health
- Division 8 – Forest Environment
- Division 9 – Forest Policy and Economics
Division 1 - Silviculture
This Division includes the study of forest and ecosystem management; stand establishment and treatment (including fertilization); agroforestry; biomass for energy; restoration of degraded sites; mountain zone and arid zone silviculture; tropical, boreal and temperate zone silviculture; and natural (extensive) and artificial (intensive) silvicultural systems.
Division 2 - Physiology and Genetics
This Division includes research on: the physiology of tree xylem, stem, canopy and roots, the tree as a whole and sexual and vegetative reproduction; breeding and genetic resources of conifers, hardwoods and tropical woody plants; mathematical and biological genetics of trees and tree populations, including molecular and cellular genetics; seed physiology and technology; and the legislation of reproductive material.
Division 3 - Forest Operations Engineering and Management
The Division’s area of activity includes all aspects of forest engineering (including forest infrastructure, machinery, and operational methods in all forestry practices and in all types and ages of forests); operations in forest nurseries; operations related to silvicultural activities; operational planning, management, modelling, information systems, and control; work study, payment methods and labour productivity; ergonomics, including health and safety; operations related to small-scale forestry; harvesting and in-woods utilization of both timber and non-timber forest products; logistics; and the interface between forest operations and environmental protection, including site impacts.
Division 4 - Forest Assessment, Modelling and Management
This Division includes: studies of growth and yield (including mensuration); forest resource inventory (collection and analysis of resource data); planning for sustainable forest management; managerial economics; remote sensing technology; forest management systems for forest enterprises; statistical methods, and mathematics and computer applications.
Division 5 - Forest Products
This Division includes research on the fundamental nature of wood and other forest products, and their utilization, including: their microscopic and macroscopic properties; their engineering properties and structural utilization; their protection in storage and use; and their physics, drying, conversion, and performance in use. It includes also research on the production, characteristics, and use of non-wood forest products.
Division 6 - Social Aspects of Forests and Forestry
This Division includes: forest and human health, forest education, forest ethics, gender and forestry, landscape planning and management, nature-based tourism, nature conservation and protected areas, recreation, rural development and urban forestry.
Division 7 - Forest Health
This Division includes research on: physiological and genetic interactions between trees and harmful biotic impacts, including resistance mechanisms; biological and applied aspects of tree diseases; environment/ pathogen interactions in forest decline; the biology and control of forest tree insects; and impacts of air pollution on forest trees and forest ecosystems, including diagnosis, monitoring, biology, genetics and treatment of polluted forests and other wooded lands.
Division 8 - Forest Environment
This Division includes study of forest ecosystems; site research and site classification; forest hydrology (including water quality); natural disasters and mitigation measures; forest fire prevention and control; wildlife and its habitats; biodiversity; forests and climate.
Division 9 – Forest Policy and Economics
The Division includes: information services and knowledge organization; management of forest research; forest and woodland history; forest sector analysis; social and economic aspects of forestry; forest policy and governance; forest law and environmental legislation.