Scientific Summary 91 in IUFRO News Vol. 41, Issue 5
At the 'Urban Forests – Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Maintenance' conference last May in Leipzig, Germany, innovations in urban forestry and green infrastructure delivery were discussed.Urban biodiversity loss needs to be halted for many reasons, not in the least because of the role it plays in the provision of essential ecosystem services. At a recent meeting co-organized by IUFRO, researchers and practitioners from across the globe discussed the specific contributions of urban forestry, linking between strategies and day-to-day maintenance activities. The German city of Leipzig, which actively uses its extensive green infrastructure for its development, provided an appropriate setting for these debates. The event was also the 15th edition of the European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF), an annual meeting of planners, managers, researchers and educators dealing with woods, parks and trees in cities and towns.
Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:
Delivering Ecosystem Services through Urban Forestry
By Cecil C. Konijnendijk, Forest & Landscape, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO Research Group 6.07.00 Urban Forestry
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