

Forests, trees and poverty alleviation: Policy implications of current knowledge

Photo by Jennifer Zavaleta Cheek

Newly published article highlights the need for greater integration of forests and trees in development policy. Authors distil five key findings based on the current evidence base.

The article “Forests, trees and poverty alleviation: Policy implications of current knowledge” is based on the Global Forest Expert Panel report published in 2020. It is authored by Daniel C. Miller, Stephanie Mansourian, Mónica Gabay, Reem Hajjar, Pamela Jagger, Judith F. M. Kamoto, Peter Newton, Johan A. Oldekop, Onja H. Razafindratsima, Priya Shyamsundar, Terry Sunderland, and Christoph Wildburger.

The article identifies both opportunities and challenges for “forests and tree-based systems” - the spectrum from natural old-growth forests, to those managed to optimize resource yields, to the wide range of agroforestry practices, and to single-species tree crop management - in tackling poverty. It concludes by reflecting on the future for forests, trees and poverty in light of the COVID-19 global pandemic and major social and political changes currently taking place in countries around the world.

You can access the full article until 28 September 2021 by clicking this link:

The article is part of a special issue of Forest Policy and Economics | Forests, Trees, and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations | by Elsevier to be published in October 2021.

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