Announcing the Venue of the IUFRO World Congress 2029
The International Council of IUFRO approved the 62nd IUFRO Board recommendations to hold the 27th IUFRO World Congress in Nairobi, Kenya.
"We are thrilled about the decision to take the IUFRO World Congress to Africa for the first time in the history of our Organization. The beautiful country of Kenya is an oasis of biodiversity, has strong forest traditions and a lively forest research community that is well-connected internationally. This makes it an attractive Congress venue in many respects," says IUFRO President Dr. John Parrotta.
"Our aim is to host the strongest-ever delegation of African participants to an IUFRO World Congress in terms of numbers, presentations, and exhibitions. They will jointly demonstrate with international partners and peers the value of worldwide cooperation in ADVANCING GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS IN FORESTRY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, which is the theme of the Congress," says Dr. Joshua Cheboiwo; The Director, Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) - the Host Organization.
The IUFRO Members in Kenya and their regional partners welcome the decision by global researchers and practitioners to visit and experience forests and forestry in Africa.
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