

IUFRO News Vol. 52, Issue 12, mid-December 2023

Read reports about the critical role of forested landscapes in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, the importance of planted forests as a nature-based solution, the art of systematic literature review, and much more…

IUFRO Division 8 Forest Environment focused its all-Division meeting in Évora, Portugal, on the critical role of forested landscapes facing pressures driven by the Anthropocene. Many of the increasing challenges require approaches at different spatial and temporal scales to increase understanding of the different ongoing processes and their consequences. The conference also saw the launching of the new IUFRO Working Party on "Silvopastoral Systems and Pastoralism".

Planted forests are an essential nature-based solution to meet growing needs in wood products, restore forest ecosystems and mitigate climate change. This statement was underlined at the 5th International Congress on Planted Forests (ICPF). Key takeaways include the importance of knowledge exchange, challenges related to value chain improvement and financing, and the positive perception of planted forests as tools for ecosystem restoration.

More than 100 participants from 30 countries joined the online workshop titled "How to Conduct Systematic Review of Literature for Forest Science and Other Disciplines". The aim of this workshop was to provide students with knowledge on how to carry out a systematic literature review for forest science, identify the database available for searching literature, determine which papers to include, how to organize bibliography for easy reference, and how to arrange and formulate a research paper.

There are more reports on a variety of topics ranging from eucalypt improvement and wood engineering to forest education and forest and water links, among others. And, of course, the regular announcements section includes information about new publications, open positions, upcoming events and more.


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