Scientific Summaries
Scientific Summary No. 1
This first Scientific Summary reports about the conference on "Transformation to Continuous Cover Forestry in a Changing Environment", held on 4-7 September 2004 in Bangor, Wales, UK.Continuous cover forestry has become an important element of current forest policies in Europe. Forest decline and the certification debate have stimulated greater public involvement favouring environmentally-friendly forest management. This has increased the interest in new silvicultural systems such as “continuous cover forestry“, which is one out of many synonyms that stand for practices that favour mixed unevenaged stands, site-adapted tree species and selective harvesting. It was therefore timely to provide a forum at which the first results of research activities in this area could be presented and discussed. The conference on "Transformation to Continuous Cover Forestry in a Changing Environment" from 4-7 September 2004 served that purpose.
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