Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary No. 43, 2008

The COST Strategic workshop on the role of "Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment" provided recommendations on forest ecosystem monitoring and research in Europe.

The COST Strategic workshop on the role of "Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment" brought together nearly 180 scientists from around 30 countries in Istanbul, Turkey, to identify future monitoring and research needs and to provide recommendations on forest ecosystem monitoring and research in Europe. The workshop specifically tackled the fields of climate change and forests, ozone, atmospheric deposition and critical loads, biodiversity, as well as quality assurance in forest monitoring. Experts agreed that increased and joint efforts are necessary to understand combined climate change and air pollution effects on forests and to develop strategies for mitigation and adaptation.

To read the full scientific summary kindly follow the link:

Healthy and Productive Forests Mitigate Climate Change

Source: COST, Issue No 8, April 2008, published by the COST Office, office(at)

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