Scientific Summaries
Scientific Summary No. 64, 2009
An international training course on wood-based panels organized by the International Wood Academy of Hamburg, Germany and co-sponsored by IUFRO 5.05.00 took place at Walailak University in Southern Thailand.Recently, South Asia has developed into a leading region concerning wood-based panel manufacturing with several MDF (medium density fibreboard) and particleboard plants equipped with high technology. The IWA, in cooperation with the Walailak University, worked out an English course schedule to specifically meet the demands of employees in the middle and higher positions of the wood-based composites industry in the region. Therefore employees of several local manufacturers as well as employees of internationally operating adhesive manufacturers participated in the five-day course on "Wood-Based Panels: Processes, Properties and Uses" co-sponsored by IUFRO 5.05.00.
Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:
- Advanced Wood-Based Panels Technology for Professionals in South-East Asia
By Heiko Thoemen, University of Hamburg, Germany, and Marius C. Barbu, University of Transilvania (Brasov), Romania, Coordinator of IUFRO Working Party 5.05.00
- Files:
- scicsumm64-wood-course.pdf55 Ki