Scientific Summaries
Scientific Summary No. 74, 2010
The conference on Sustainable Management of Multi-purpose Poplar Plantations held in May 2010 in China particularly focussed on genetic breeding and intensive cultivation; plantation health and sustainable management; wood bio-materials and bio-energy utilization; and ecological services.Poplar has been widely acknowledged as a fast-growing and high-yield tree species. China, being the top country in the world in terms of its planted area of poplar with up to approximately 7 million hectares, is increasingly aware of the importance of the multiple functions of poplar from the traditional wood production to the emerging hotspots of forestry development such as bio-energy and carbon sequestration. More than 120 participants from 8 countries including Canada, Italy, USA, Korea, Japan, Germany, Switzerland and China convened in Siyang County, Jiangsu Province, the home of poplar in China, for the IUFRO International Conference on Sustainable Management of Multi-purpose Poplar Plantations, on 29-30 May.
Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:
Multi-Purpose Poplar Plantations – Targeting at Low Carbon and Wide Economy
By Shirong LIU, IUFRO Board Member and Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Forestry
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