Scientific Summaries
Scientific Summary No. 75, 2010
Laser scanning for forest applications is a young and promising research topic. The 10th international conference on LiDAR applications for assessing forest ecosystems – SilviLaser – discussed latest findings and scientific developments. The 10th international conference on LiDAR applications for assessing forest ecosystems – SilviLaser – was held in Freiburg, Germany. From 14-17 September, 2010. The conference was an excellent chance for scientists and practitioners to share their experiences on LiDAR. In addition to the six key speeches, the session themes were:
Forest and Ecological Applications for Terrestrial Laser Scanning; Satellite Based LiDAR Systems and Data for Forest and Environmental Applications; Wood Quality Assessment with Laser; Airborne Laserscanner (ALS) - Single Tree Based Inventories; ALS - Ecological and Landscape Inventories; ALS - Area Based Inventories; ALS - Biomass and Forest Fuel Assessment, and Multisensoral Applications with LiDAR Data.
Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:
SilviLaser 2010 – Point Cloud Brings Light into the Forest
By Fabian Enßle, Research Assistant, Dept. of Remote Sensing and LIS, University of Freiburg, Germany
- Files:
- scicsumm75-silvilaser.pdf61 Ki