Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary No. 86, 2011

The 13th IUFRO meeting on Root and Butt Rot of Forest Trees held in September 2011 in Italy discussed, among other things, role of root rots in European and North American forest ecosystems.

The 13th IUFRO meeting on Root and Butt Rot of Forest Trees of IUFRO 7.02.01 started with a session on genomics and plant-host interactions. The role of root rots in European and North American forest ecosystems was discussed. Disease management highlights included several studies on the biological control agent Phlebiopsis gigantea in comparison with chemical control alternatives. Heterobasidion irregulare was the real star of the meeting: not only its genome is now fully sequenced, but its spread was described both using field data in Eastern Canada and genetic data in Italy.

Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:

Root and Butt Rot of Forest Trees

By Matteo Garbelotto, Coordinator of IUFRO Working Party 7.02.01 - Root and butt rots

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