Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary No. 87, 2012

The need to promote multipurpose forest ecosystem management by taking into account ecological and economic considerations as well as societal needs was emphasised at the Nanning Conference.

An International Conference on Multipurpose Forest Ecosystem Management in a Changing Environment was held in Nanning, Guangxi, China, from 23-25 November 2011. The conference showed the benefits of a multidisciplinary dialogue and multiple scale approaches by combining knowledge from biology, ecology, forestry, climatology, socio-economics and political sciences to address the challenge of multipurpose forest ecosystem management in response to a rapidly changing environment, and to elaborate adaptive management measures.

Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:

Multipurpose Forest Ecosystem Management in a Changing Environment

By Shirong Liu, IUFRO Board Member, and Vice President of Chinese Academy of Forestry, and Heinrich Spiecker, Coordinator 4.01.04 Effects of Environmental Changes on Forest Growth, Director of Institute for Forest Growth, University of Freiburg

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