Scientific Summaries
Scientific Summary 96 in IUFRO News Vol. 41, Issue 10, November 2012
At the "Trees beyond Wood" conference in Sheffield, UK, ecologists, foresters, woodland managers, tree experts and enthusiasts, and historians met to explore concepts of woods, forests and trees.The conference "Trees beyond the Wood: an exploration of concepts of woods, forests and trees" conference held in Sheffield, September 2012, was a great success. It considered the historic context and implications of medieval 'woods' in relation to other wooded landscapes, and the status and importance of ancient or veteran 'worked' and culturally modified trees in countryside outside woods and forests. Importantly though, the aim was to take the understanding developed in a global context over the last 20 years and to apply it to guide practitioner applications in the field.
Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:
Trees beyond the Wood
By Ian Rotherham, The Biodiversity & Landscape History Research Institute,
IUFRO Coordinator 9.03.01 – Social and economic history
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