Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 102 in IUFRO News Vol. 42, Issue 4, April 2013

Participants at the symposium "MORIOKA 2013: Global Forest Products Marketing and Forest Certification in a Green Economy" discussed strategies and challenges of the forest sector in a green economy.

The international symposium MORIOKA 2013 held on March 28 at Iwate University, Japan, was organized by the Japan Society of Forest Planning, Risk Analysis Research Center, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, and co-organized by IUFRO 5.10.00 and the Wood Utilization Systems Forum. This symposium, co-organized by IUFRO, aimed at providing a synthesis of scientific research on forest products marketing and forest certification worldwide to discuss strategies and challenges of the forest sector in a green economy.

Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:

MORIOKA 2013: Global Forest Products Marketing and Forest Certification in a Green Economy

By Toshiaki Owari, Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO Research Group 5.10.00 Forest products marketing and business management (

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