Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 112 in IUFRO News Vol. 42, Issue 10, early November 2013

IUFRO conference in Japan highlighted the importance of a gender perspective for understanding the present situation and future development of community-based forestry and small-scale forestry.

The IUFRO 2013 Conference on Future Directions of Small-scale and Community-based Forestry, held on 8-13 September in Fukuoka, Japan, was a joint effort of the Small-scale Forestry Research Group (3.08.00) and the Working Party on Gender Research in Forestry (6.08.01), sponsored by the Japanese Forest Economic Society. Community-based forestry and small-scale forestry are of key importance for sustaining sound forest management in both developed and developing countries. Participants confirmed that the issues of small-scale forestry and community-based forestry could be discussed on a new common ground by adding a gender perspective.

Download the full Scientific Summary:

Future Directions of Small-scale and Community-based Forestry

Report from the IUFRO 2013 Conference on Future Directions of Small-scale and Community-based Forestry, 8-13 September, Fukuoka, Japan, a joint effort of the Small-scale Forestry Research Group (3.08.00) and the Working Party on Gender Research in Forestry (6.08.01), sponsored by the Japanese Forest Economic Society

By Noriko Sato, Kyushu University, Japan, Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO WP 6.08.01

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