Scientific Summaries
Scientific Summary 114 in IUFRO News Vol. 42, Issue 10, early November 2013
Current research activities concerning the pine wood nematode, its vector and related microorganisms and pine wilt disease worldwide were addressed at IUFRO conference in Germany.A joint scientific conference of IUFRO Working Party 7.02.10 Pine Wilt Disease and FP 7 EU-Research Project REPHRAME took place on 15-18 October 2013 at the Julius Kühn-Institut in Braunschweig, Germany. The focus was on management options to tackle the disease on the one hand, and phytosanitary treatments of wood to prevent further spread on the other hand. During the final discussions several participants pointed out that a lot of research concerning the pine wood nematode was going on in the framework of its biology, detection methods, vector associations etc. but management in the field was still lacking powerful options.
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Pine Wilt Disease Conference 2013
By Thomas Schröder, Julius-Kühn-Institut, Coordinator of IUFRO WP 7.02.10
- Files:
- scicsumm114-pine-wilt-disease.pdf155 Ki