Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 119 in IUFRO News Vol. 43, Issue 2, January 2014

Casuarina generates livelihood opportunities for farmers and agriculture-dependent labor force. An international workshop in Chennai, India, focused on this important species group.

The Fifth International Casuarina Workshop was held in Mamallapuram, Chennai, India, between 3 and 7 February 2014 under the aegis of IUFRO Working Party 2.08.02, Improvement and Culture of Nitrogen-Fixing Trees. The objective of the Workshop was to bring together researchers and managers to update the knowledge on this important group of species so that the results are effectively used for improving livelihood opportunities in rural areas. The participants drafted recommendations under four broad areas for follow-up action: accelerating breeding programs; improving cultivation techniques and pest management; molecular biological approaches to Casuarina-Frankia symbiosis and biological nitrogen fixation; applied research on wood quality and harvesting methods to meet industrial requirements are the major recommendations.  The meeting also called for international cooperation in germplasm exchange to sustain the ongoing genetic improvement programs.


Download the full Scientific Summary:

Casuarina Improvement for Securing Rural Livelihoods

By Abel Nicodemus, Coordinator of IUFRO Working Party 2.08.02

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