Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 120 in IUFRO News Vol. 43, Issue 4, early May 2014

Acacia 2014 - Sustaining the Future of Acacia Plantation Forestry: The Acacia 2014 meeting focused primarily on plantation management for sustainable wood production, risk evaluation and management, genetics and breeding, and included a forest industry forum.

The Acacia 2014 meeting held in Hue City, Vietnam, was a joint conference of the recently formed IUFRO Working Party WP 2.08.07 on Acacia Genetics and Silviculture, WP 1.02.06 on Ecology and Silviculture of Acacia and WP 2.04.01 on Population, Ecological and Conservation Genetics and was hosted by the Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences (VAFS). The meeting drew a total of 182 participants representing 22 countries.

A new format of a forest Industry forum on "Science for management applications and policy decisions" was tested. This initiative fostered discussion between panelists representing government, industry and research organizations in Vietnam. The forum emphasized, among other things, the importance of improved interaction with growers both large and small, together with appropriate policy settings. Research per se is necessary but not sufficient.

Download the full Scientific Summary:

Acacia 2014 - Sustaining the Future of Acacia Plantation Forestry

Report by Rod Griffin, Griffin Tree Improvement Pty. Ltd., Coordinator of IUFRO Working Party 2.08.07

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