Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 153 in IUFRO News Vol. 48, Issue 1, January 2019

Cultural landscapes are considered to be a development factor. Utilizing forest areas and beautiful sceneries is of increasing interest to forest owners who look for new markets and additional income beside forestry, and to tourism enterprises.

European Forests – Our Cultural Heritage

On 4–7 December 2018, IUFRO Working Parties 9.03.01 Economic and Social Forest History and 9.03.02 Forest and Culture as well as IUFRO Research Group 9.03.00 Forest History and Traditional Knowledge, were involved in the meeting on "European Forests – Our Cultural Heritage" held in St. Georgen am Längsee, Carinthia, Austria.

The conference was unique in so far as it highlighted and discussed the topic of cultural heritage forest from the viewpoints of the most diverse scientific disciplines, including, among others,  landscape ecology, archeology, environmental policy, social history, dendrochronology, biology, botany, mapping, forest management, forestry history and tourism.

Download the full Scientific Summary:

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